
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

The more you get free, the more you trust yourself in the freedom. Instead of spending ten minutes doing spiritual exercises, you start spending thirty minutes, forty minutes, two hours, six hours. You learn how to close your eyes and ears without touching them. You learn to go where the visual stimuli of the world cannot reach you, and you're into the inner kingdom. In there, you finally turn enough of the Soul energy away from the outer world to look inward. As the Soul turns and looks back in, it takes all of your personality and experiences with it. You step through the tenth door into the spiritual heavens and start to travel into the higher realms of God. It's harder than I told you, but faster than I just explained. It may take ten years of devoted practice to do this. When you feel like stopping, keep going. Do it one more time. What's the end? When you see the face of God.

John-Roger, DSS
As you lift in consciousness, you're moving into the ten qualities I teach about: Health, wealth, and happiness. Prosperity, abundance, and riches. Loving, caring, and sharing, and touching to others. Think of the integrity of those words. Start to make them your breathing in and your breathing out. When you're irritated with somebody, start to love the irritation because you might not be able to love the person just yet, but you can start to love the irritation. You start to mix it with the ingredients of Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
You are never outside of God, whatever you do, but if you express yourself negatively, you may separate yourself from your awareness of God. Express loving in all ways, always, and you will know the presence of God in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
No matter how thin you slice baloney, you still have baloney; and no matter how "small" the guilt, it is still guilt. The degree of it is important - that's for sure. Because the more guilt you feel, the more you intensify your existence; and the more intensity you place on this existence, the more you lock yourself into the force field of this planet. Then you have to come back into that force field and evolve again.

John-Roger, DSS

April 22, 2005

You can't belong to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, you belong to yourself - which is subject to all sorts of interpretations. Religion involves realignment. We in MSIA are participating in realigning. If you're looking for something dogmatic, MSIA is not that. We share our experiences moving towards the truth that is God.

John Morton, DSS
The Soul is a very simple thing. It is God's gift to us of himself, a gift of awareness, consciousness, of life itself. It is the part of us that most purely belongs to God.

John-Roger, DSS
Too many times the "problem" is allowing a situation to come to you on the level of your weakness and then declaring it too much for you to handle. Then it represents a problem. It's only a problem as far as you see it that way; someone else may look at it and perceive the solution immediately. Many times what you are looking at as a problem isn't a problem at all, but an expression. When you perceive it as an expression and see that there are many alternative ways to express, you have a way to move through it and change it to another expression.

John-Roger, DSS

April 19, 2005

Just show up, and you start to learn. That's an easy premise for living life. Just show up and you start to learn. You learn what to do, you learn what not to do; you learn what you like, you learn what you don't like. It's a process of maturing.

John-Roger, DSS
Become God's faithful servant, experiencing the joy that comes with serving unconditionally. You will be able to do anything that is needed in the moment, knowing that service done in love is the highest expression on the physical level.

John-Roger, DSS
Your health, your awareness, your freedom, your spiritual liberation are all with you right now. All of that resides within you. You, however, cannot hold your focus or your concentration on that realization long enough to receive it, because you have conditioned yourself with mental fixations and emotional doubting and tremendous expectations of what you think other people should do (which can be one of the most foolish fixations going).

John-Roger, DSS