
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

When we create energy fields, we are using the universal creative energy of Spirit - not necessarily the pure Spirit, but the creative energy of the lower realms, which contains both positive and negative. If we do not balance the negative with the positive in these lower realms, we can pull ourselves into the imbalance around us and, in doing so, become our own worst enemy. Yet our minds are so powerful that we can, with a little positiveness, create in a way that offsets the negativity.

John-Roger, DSS
Instead of giving in to the devious mechanisms of jealousy, as soon as it starts you can activate your awareness and choices. Don't let jealousy become just another habitual response. Do what it takes to improve your own self-image. Do those things that give you an experience of your worth. These could include such things as ballet lessons, aerobics classes, study of a foreign language, photography, greater expressions in service to the community - whatever works for you.

John-Roger, DSS
You are always in your own movement of spiritual inner awareness. You can come together with other people to assist each other as part of this movement.

John-Roger, DSS
The intuitive knowledge of the Soul and its divine nature is always present. Everyone has that knowledge deep within them. If Spirit cannot be perceived mentally, emotionally, physically, or through the unconscious, what's left? Intuition. You can be intuitively aware of Soul and Spirit. You just know. Then, when you're in the Soul, you are the Soul, so intuition is no longer necessary.

John-Roger, DSS

March 13, 2005

It also takes a whole lot of devotion and dedication to move through all the conditioned states that are going to come forward for you to deal with in spiritual exercises. But in the long run, it's going to serve you.

John Morton, DSS
Complete the action. Don't assume something is completed because you are mentally, physically, or emotionally tired. If you are washing the car and you declare it finished when someone offers you a cool drink, you may be deceiving yourself and aborting this process of moving toward your own prosperity. "What?" you might ask. "Can such a little thing as that block my prosperity?" Many little things, added together, can create one big block.

John-Roger, DSS
In a marriage, there is nothing to say that one role is necessarily "male" and one role is necessarily "female." There are common goals, and there are roles that support those goals. Either partner may fulfill any role. The roles may remain constant throughout a lifetime, or they may shift many times; it doesn't matter. As long as each one gives 100 percent, the marriage is complete and is working. When you are married and are committed to the love you have for your spouse, there is nothing you will not do, no role you will not take. With that attitude, your lover is less likely to make unloving demands upon you. So it's a two-way street.

John-Roger, DSS
Q: Is there anything I can do about going unconscious in my spiritual exercises? J-R: Yes, you keep going through it anyway. It will open. It's never not opened for anyone yet, ever. You're not going to be an exception. But you're not going to know the truth of that until it does it.

John-Roger, DSS
We shut down our awareness of God by putting our faith in the world, professing God's greatness out there. But God's greatness isn't out there. It's inside us.

John-Roger, DSS
Do not enter into any situation that causes you even a little twinge of feeling, "Oh, I wasn't all that honest." That's guilt.

John-Roger, DSS