
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

We have a duty and a responsibility to the people who are older than we are. We can respect their wisdom and their longevity. The Bible says to honor thy father and mother that your days may be long upon this plane. It means more than the father and mother of your flesh and blood; it means people older than you. We respect them for their experience. Maybe they don't have all the wisdom in the world, but they have had experience that is valid. You can tap that experiential level in them and draw it forward, and that can become your experience also. You can experience it through them. It is the same as if you went out and did it. There is little difference because the experience is the same inside of you. This is tremendously valuable, if you use it.

John-Roger, DSS

February 25, 2005

When you go to see the Soul, you mostly see your thoughts and nothing else. So you say, "There's nothing else. If there were, I would be able to see it." You can't see the Soul's existence because it is wrapped up in you. Your Soul is what keeps you alive, not your mind. The mind, as strong as it seems, is not always to be trusted. The Soul is solid ground. On the level of Soul, you don't grab. You can't possess, and you can't hold on to anything. Whatever you try to possess, you lose. You can't even possess your own body. But if you love yourself, if you love the Soul within, you have access to all things.

John-Roger, DSS

February 24, 2005

The evidence is, you're here now. And this is a place of protection. This is a place where all Souls are embraced, held like a babe in the arms that is newly born and welcomed as the Promised One, the One who God has spoken of through all time.

John Morton, DSS
Have you ever noticed that you can be feeling really bad, unhappy, like no one cares about you, and then someone comes up to you and gives you a compliment or gives you a hug and says, "I sure do love you," and all of a sudden, your unhappiness just vanishes? All of a sudden, people are good again and you feel good about yourself and everything seems to be just fine. What happened? Probably, you moved from separation to connection or to a feeling of oneness. That shift is powerful. It reflects a choice. At any moment, we can choose separation or we can choose connection. Later on I realized that as powerful as this choice is on the physical level, it is much more powerful on the spiritual level.

John-Roger, DSS

February 22, 2005

Sometimes you may get up in the morning and be so positive in your mind and so dynamic in your emotions that you feel as if you can accomplish anything that day. That night, however, you may go to bed feeling as if you have been dragged through a knothole. You say, "How can I get up tomorrow when I'm so dead tired tonight? And why do I feel so tired when I woke up this morning feeling so good?" It can be because you have been giving forth of your spiritual energy. But you'll also find that you can recharge yourself rapidly.

John-Roger, DSS

February 21, 2005

Spiritual exercises are a process. They are a process of asking for God's presence and when you ask, the prayer is answered.

John-Roger, DSS

February 20, 2005

Your questions, your doubts, and your fears are not living love. Do everything in God's name, and you will be walking straight toward God.

John-Roger, DSS
The greatest secret is that the journey is already over before it has begun. You are already there. That one for whom you seek is already present. Why is this a secret? Because so few claim it. Do you? With your next breath?

John-Roger, DSS

February 18, 2005

There is a tribe in Africa that captures monkeys by having the monkey grab a salt rock through a small opening of a termite mound. The monkeys would get captured because they would not let go of the salt rock and move to freedom. Living in limited beliefs can bring results you likely do not want. You have an opportunity instead to live in freedom.

John Morton, DSS
God's power is inherent in your being through the Soul. It is the pearl of such great price that to reach it, you must undergo a complete transformation of consciousness and learn to take full responsibility for what you put in motion. You learn to complete what you begin. If your creation is of the physical world, complete it here. If it is of the imagination, finish it there. If it's emotional, resolve it in the emotions. If it is of the mind, finish your thoughts. Don't start things you don't intend to finish. Watch carefully your commitments in the world. Keep them realistic, and only make commitments you can keep. When you do, you experience freedom.

John-Roger, DSS