
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

January 14, 2005

God does come present; that presence is within. The questions are within, the answers are within. The goals are within.

John-Roger, DSS

January 13, 2005

Keep forgiveness and unconditional love flowing.

John-Roger, DSS
You practice being in the presence of Soul by being flexible and open in your mind and emotions, by looking at people and loving the good and the bad equally.

John-Roger, DSS

January 11, 2005

We have a willingness to profess God is amongst us. When we're willing to unmask, we bare our Souls. When Souls bare themselves, it's a communion of Souls, and the One who does delivers us home.

John Morton, DSS
If you get married because you love your mate for what he or she will do, then you may not love them if they don't do what you want or expect. But if you marry simply because you love the other person and it doesn't matter what they do, then that is the marriage that can endure and be enjoyed throughout all experiences for a lifetime.

John-Roger, DSS
Try this: Inhale to the count of four - and exhale to the count of four. Pause, and wait for God to breathe you. Wait for your Soul to take your next breath. Then breathe in to the count of four - and out to the count of four. Relax. Be quiet. Wait for God to breathe you. Repeat this for several minutes. Place your awareness on what breathes you when you relax, and wait for your breath to come to you. Place your awareness on what lies beyond your conscious control. How are you feeling now?

John-Roger, DSS
If all our experiences were neutral, what would that mean? That our lives were sterile, a void. No. "Neutral" is the loving heart, which is the Soul. When the loving heart is flowing and functioning, it has no wants and desires - none. It is the emotions that want this and that. When you're neutral and unattached, you don't care what anyone else does. But you care that you're loving and open and that you're expanding your consciousness. What if it doesn't expand at the rate you want? You're not neutral as soon as you entertain that thought. You're intellectualizing and may be setting a trap for yourself. Instead of listening to the intellect, listen to your heart.

John-Roger, DSS
As soon as you can get spiritually above the field of encounter, then you see how you can move things. How do you do that? By spiritual exercises. By conscious will-power: "I will lift myself. I will behold the glory of God. I will. But not in my time, in Yours." You then become free in your consciousness to co-exist with the Lord.

John-Roger, DSS
Affection often brings about control patterns (or attempted control patterns), depression, rejection, and hurt. Everybody has been there before. You know where that is. As long as you keep placing that seed back inside of you, that is what you are going to keep bringing forward. But you don't have to re-create that infinitely. You can change it anytime you wish and bring forward pure love.

John-Roger, DSS

January 05, 2005

As we realize that Spirit is amongst us, something sacred and holy comes upon us. This is a safe place to come as children of God, as we take responsibility for the love of God, it transcends any disturbance we encounter. As we share our Divinity together we become people who care about others, and don't have to hold up any pretense.

John Morton, DSS