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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

November 30, 2004

There's a place prepared in Spirit. The Mystical Traveler will do what he can to make your life better and give your Soul what you came here to experience.

John Morton, DSS
Most arguments between husbands and wives are about loving. The yearning underneath the words is usually the person asking to be loved as they are, without demand for change, without judgment.

John-Roger, DSS

November 28, 2004

As you feel the Light move into you, you may feel a tremendous warmth come over you. You may feel very loved for a few moments. You may feel like someone just hugged and cuddled you. You may experience the Light as a feeling of being superman - all powerful and tremendously alive. You might feel silly-happy, like being a little high. If you've been putting a lot of pressure on yourself, running around a lot, involved in a lot of things, you might experience the Light as a calming energy. Its energy may come into you in a very soothing way. You can experience the Light, the force that we call the Spirit, in a lot of different ways.

John-Roger, DSS

November 27, 2004

Look for the point of convergence between the invisible Spirit and the physical Spirit. You can practice your awareness of the convergence in spiritual exercises, when you read Soul Awareness Discourses or listen to spiritual tapes; and you can practice your awareness of it as you move through your everyday life and relationships with people.

John-Roger, DSS

November 26, 2004

Manifest living love.

John-Roger, DSS

November 25, 2004

Some people are inclined to see things in an adversarial manner. Ministers of God are inclined to see things as Light and love opportunities.

John Morton, DSS
One day I asked my teacher, "Why is it that I do not see you?" meaning I did not see him in my meditations, in my inner vision or awareness. He replied, "You see me. You see me every day." I said, "I agree I have access to you physically. I do see you every day. I can ask you anything. You are gracious and always give me your attention. But when I am not with you physically, I do not see you. Then I feel empty." He said to me, "But that is what you have wanted. You have wanted the recognition of the physical body, and so you have given up the other." It hurt to realize that in demanding the recognition of the physical body - mine as well as his - I had denied myself the greater experience of Spirit. I had listened to my guru's teachings for many years. I had heard him speak of God and of the great Spirit that God sends to man to be his comfort on the journey back into the supreme Source of all, the Soul's true home. I had heard him speak of man's Soul as being his own individual spark of God, placed deep and safe within him, to guide him home. It follows that, if the Soul is of God, then all Souls share a oneness, and it is that oneness that is our connection and our communion. But I had been so wrapped up in the physical aspects of my job that I had never thought about the teachings in much depth.

John-Roger, DSS
If you are looking to the outer world as your source of learning, you may learn worldly things, but you will not necessarily experience the unfoldment that leads you to the inner realms of God. From that worldly vantage point, your sensitivities can become so grossly encapsulated that you may not have the ability to discern the vibratory frequency of a healing angel visiting your beingness. You will not know when an answer to your prayers is present because your antennae have been covered up with layers of worldly matters. It seems to be a paradox that somewhere within the physical form is the sacredness, the holy temple, the residence of God. To get the keys, you have to go within.

John-Roger, DSS
In a marriage, each one contributes 100 percent. Then it doesn't matter who is fulfilling which role. If there is one goal, either partner may fulfill any part that supports that goal. Maybe, for example, the goal of the marriage is expression, and the life path of both husband and wife is expression. If the husband's area of expression is art that is not lucrative, but the wife is working a $45,000-a-year job as a fashion designer, they're successful. It isn't just her success; it's their success - because they're together. A few years later, perhaps she decides she wants to go back to school and learn something else, so she says, "Your turn, honey." Then he goes out and gets a financially successful job as a commercial artist so she can go to school. They are sharing, cooperating, and supporting each other in their individual life patterns and in the marriage.

John-Roger, DSS
There are very few things on this planet that cannot be looked at in a matter-of-fact, straightforward way. If you look at every point of view from a clear consciousness, you can see value there. This is why you can be right, your mother can be right, your wife can be right, the newspaper editorial can be right - all people can be right from diverse positions. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to function from their position of rightfulness, but you can recognize that how they see things is right for them. You have the right, however, to live your life the way you see it.

John-Roger, DSS