
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Only a few people stand out as pinnacles of the Light force, letting themselves be used as transformers to step down the high spiritual energy so that it can be used in this world. Each person who is divinely endowed with this knowledge comes to restate the ancient message, bring forward a particular dispensation for that time, and place it within the consciousness of humanity. This is the spiritual glory to which we are all heirs.

John-Roger, DSS

June 23, 2004

You're not your skin so focus on what is emerging from within.

John Morton, DSS
Looking at life from a spiritual perspective is a fascinating and engaging journey. You don't have to be in a big hurry to find God. Rushing doesn't get you there any faster. God is present. We can all be present in our love, right now.

John-Roger, DSS
After you have decided on something, you can look at that decision, that movement or direction, as a lesson, a problem-solving technique. If it solves the problem, then you are content with the decision. If it does not, you make another decision. Whichever way your decision leads you, it is a positive action because it promotes direction and forward movement.

John-Roger, DSS

June 20, 2004

Take a look at any addictive patterns you have and start clearing those patterns now, especially since this is eventually necessary to fulfill your divine heritage and complete the progression of the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
When you get sick and tired of being tired and sick - you'll change.

John-Roger, DSS

June 18, 2004

Remember when you are at your worst is when Spirit can do the most for you. This is a wonderful opportunity to minister to yourself. Be open. Look for the Lord's hand to guide you. Be grateful. Find ways to give, to serve.

John Morton, DSS
In unconditional loving, you experience the quiet of peace and the bliss of Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
Know this: (1) All things, human and otherwise, have potential; (2) Everything and everyone is involved in the process of releasing to a potential. The good news is that there are opportunities for higher levels of expression. The bad news is that it is not necessarily releasing from the bottom up; it could be releasing from the top down. So, once again, it is a matter of consciously choosing and then doing those things that support your choice.

John-Roger, DSS
The Light, which is the energy force MSIA students are taught to work with, originates in the high, positive realms of pure Spirit. Its energy is positive. Its force can only be used in love and for the highest good of all. It cannot hurt, harm, or destroy. But it can stir up negativity that has remained dormant for a long time, bring it up into consciousness, and cause it to be cleared. On the word level, you can think of the Light as an acronym for Living In God's Holy Thoughts. In reality, the Light is the indescribable essence of God.

John-Roger, DSS