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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

May 13, 2004

God is in the business of miracles, things that are immeasurably good and yet unexplainable.

John Morton, DSS
There is a Creator who loves and cares about mankind and has imparted to every individual a part of its essence. This Creator is so powerful that when a human being is in touch with that part of himself that is of the Creator, he is also powerful in his creations here in this world. He can bring order to his world and his environment. He can bring order to his body, to his mind, and to his emotions.

John-Roger, DSS
When you enter into the majesty of the Soul realm, you'll know where you are because the Sound of God is so fantastic.

John-Roger, DSS
Part of being in a marriage is focusing the energies of both partners in one direction. Maybe the husband works so that his wife can stay home and take care of their children. Then it's a common goal of both the husband and the wife to have beautiful, happy, intelligent children and to be financially stable at the same time. They both handle their parts of achieving that goal. It's not that his goal is to make money and her goal is to rear the children. They both share, and they become as one.

John-Roger, DSS
At some point in time, the consciousness will come into an understanding of this process, will learn to be a responsible creator, and will learn to place its value and its concern on those things that are positive and spiritual in nature rather than on the materiality of this world. In this way the consciousness begins its evolution back towards God, fulfills its past karma, stays free of accruing more karma, and liberates itself from this world. It is everyone's heritage to know the divine nature, to experience the joy and freedom and perfection of the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
We must listen to the Sound of Love - the great inner feeling, that movement of spiritual inner awareness that unites us on all levels of beingness. Then we know we are peace, we are joy, we are love.

John-Roger, DSS
You can "know" a lot of information without really knowing it. You can read what someone else has experienced and "know" it on an intellectual level, but until you have had the experience, the process is like that of a child who sees a flashlight beam on a wall and goes to the wall to get the light. That beam is only a reflection of the light, not its source. Yet many people do a similar thing, going out into the world to see who will reflect Light back to them. They are searching for a form of Light, but aren't going to the source to find it. You can continually fool yourself by gratifying your own illusion, which causes pessimism and doubt. Then you miss the Divine Essence, the Light, the Spirit, the love of the Soul that is being continually extended to you. You gain confidence when you use your experience as your teacher.

John-Roger, DSS
What was loving? Was it saying what someone wanted to hear (as I'd done so much of in the past and wanted other people to do for me)? Was loving pretending that things were fine when they weren't? Was loving letting myself or someone else get away with lies? Or was loving doing what needed to be done, saying the truth that needed to be said, living from a place of integrity? The answer seemed obvious. I didn't like it necessarily, but it did seem obvious.

John-Roger, DSS

May 05, 2004

Your discipline is taking time, going inside, chanting the tone, listening, breathing in and breathing out, then doing your best to live according to the spiritual truth that dwells within you.

John Morton, DSS
Sometimes you feel like you can't go on, but you do. Look at all the times you've said "I'll never live through this," and here you are, living through it.

John-Roger, DSS