
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

March 14, 2004

The opportunity to be of service may come on any level. It may come in areas you don't expect. Be open to the opportunities to serve, wherever and however they may appear.

John-Roger, DSS
Asking for the Light is a very effective and practical tool for letting go of your worries and concerns. It is a way of becoming present with the spiritual force of God. Here is a Light prayer that you can say at the beginning of the day, or whenever you feel you need more clarity or assistance in your life. Start by sitting quietly and spending a few seconds relaxing with your breathing. Allow your mind and body to come to rest. Now, silently repeat the following words (or your own variation on them): "Dear God, I ask just now for the Light of God, the highest, purest Light, to be with me now, to surround me, to fill me, to fill this room or this space for the highest good. I ask that the Light go ahead of me this day so that I may grow inside and let go of anything that is no longer working for me. I ask that my heart be opened to loving. I ask that the Light be sent to my loved ones for the highest good." If there are individuals you wish to place in the Light, you can silently say their names. If you are struggling with a particular problem, you can place that situation in the Light. Once you have placed a problem or concern in the Light, you can let it go, knowing that the Light is with it and that it is out of your hands. (If the situation later comes back to distract you, you can again place it in the Light.) When you have finished placing people and situations in the Light, you can end your prayer with the following words: "I ask all of this in love, and I give my thanks."

John-Roger, DSS

March 12, 2004

Our breath is a vote of confidence from God.

John Morton, DSS
Loving seemed so simple, but the more I sought to be loving, the deeper it took me. I thought back to my childhood and my family. There was loving there. Things weren't perfect, but we were connected. We were a family together. I thought of the fights with my friends and my brother and how I could still feel connected to them because beyond the fighting, we were together as friends and brothers. My father didn't always tell me what I wanted to hear. My mother didn't always allow me to do what I wanted to do. Yet I didn't doubt their loving, and I experienced the deep connection I had to them. Where had I gotten the notion that if people loved me, they would let me get away with whatever I wanted? From my mind, perhaps, or from my ego. Not from my Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
If we are one with the Father, then we are also one with each one of our brothers and sisters everywhere.

John-Roger, DSS
Choose the experience that exists in the moment. By choosing, I mean accepting what is going on with no judgment, blame, or ultimatum.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual exercises move your Soul into the Spirit of God. When you do spiritual exercises, don't do a ritual because that's not necessarily spiritual exercises. Be flexible to see which way the Sound Current is moving, and flow with it. After you get in there, open your spiritual eyes. Say, "I'm opening my spiritual eyes." It's not like your physical eyes. Sometimes all you see is white because it's so bright after you open your spiritual eyes. It's as if you woke up from a physical sleep and someone is shining bright headlights in your eyes; you can't see anything because it's so bright. However, accommodation starts to take place in the Spirit, and you start to differentiate in the spiritual realms. A lot of times, spiritual exercises are just learning to see in the Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
It becomes extremely important that you not sit in judgment of your own, or anyone else's beingness. Just handle these aberrations as they come up, as rapidly as you can. How? Spiritual exercises.

John-Roger, DSS

March 06, 2004

Those who become initiated to their Traveler Consciousness are entering into co-creation and the first thing they start working on is cleaning up their own inner universe. It takes great courage to see God's face because you've got to see your own clearly.

John-Roger, DSS

March 05, 2004

I recommend that we wake up now. It's like, "Hello. Good morning. Breakfast is waiting for you." And it's what you'd really like. Did you notice you're hungry? That's good. Be hungry for your true nature.

John Morton, DSS