
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

February 18, 2004

We have a duty to people who are younger than we are; we have a duty to prepare a place for them in this physical world. Whether or not they are our own, we have a responsibility towards them. Spirit resides in all, and we have a duty to that Spirit. Then we have a duty to our friends and acquaintances, people our own age. We have a duty not to judge them. Judgment produces karma, not the dharma. Our dharma, or duty, to our peers is to love and support them and to work with them in harmony.

John-Roger, DSS
When you go out into the world, always ask for the Light to surround and protect you, and to move ahead of you for the highest good. You build your attunement to the Light by doing spiritual exercises.

John-Roger, DSS
When you have mastered yourself, you do not have to go any further. You don't have to master anybody else to prove you've mastered yourself.

John-Roger, DSS

February 15, 2004

I would suggest that you find that place inside of you that gives from the joy and gratitude of giving.

John Morton, DSS

February 14, 2004

Love is your ultimate key. When love is really present and flowing in your service, all other things then tend to fall in line. You find that your inner intent of goodness and graciousness starts writing itself on your eyes and face. Then you start transforming everyone and everything around you. You don't have to say a word. No one even has to know what's going on, but everyone starts feeling better. And your loving service is the key.

John-Roger, DSS
When you realize that your life does not unfold accidentally or randomly but with meaning and purpose, you can begin to look for the cause of the effect. As you become more responsible for your expression and behavior, you may start to choose your actions more carefully. Maybe you choose peace, though you could have expressed againstness. Maybe you choose kindness when you could have chosen sarcasm, or tolerance when you could have chosen impatience. When you choose those things that are positive in nature, you are choosing your Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
Is any part of your body tense or tight? If so, in your mind, tell it, "Peace, be still. Relax, let go."

John-Roger, DSS
When a person is gathering their attention and doing spiritual exercises, they are taking all of the attention and energy from the nine lower openings of the body and placing it in the area of the third eye. Because of the divineness of who we are, when we gather all that energy, we can more readily petition Higher Consciousness (or Soul) to open so that we receive the Light of God and the Sound of God in a pure state, bypassing the glamour and the illusion that are by-products of the mind.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are focused on your priorities, what you have determined is truly in your highest self-interest, the other things can drop away, including possessions and obsessions. Your focus is like your intention: Where are you going? That's up to you to decide, because it's your life.

John-Roger, DSS

February 09, 2004

We come in with this great potential to reside in the center of all creation. Where's the center of all creation? Wherever God is. Where's that? Inside of you.

John-Roger, DSS