
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Take care of your body. Make friends with your mind and emotions. Live in your Spirit as you walk through this day in peace.

John-Roger, DSS
In order to make your marriage work, first go within yourself and make a secure and safe place for each of you. Safety and security are products accompanied by liberal doses of the following ingredients: compassion, acceptance, humor, and a double helping of love.

John-Roger, DSS
That we do two hours of spiritual exercises is really a good criterion. But that we become the walking spiritual exercise becomes a better criterion. It's by far a better one.

John-Roger, DSS
Can you do spiritual exercises standing up? Sitting down, rolling over, barking, who cares? What does that mean? The only way to do them wrong is to not do them.

John-Roger, DSS

January 12, 2004

You would be further ahead if you would throw away the sword of your righteousness and become the student of the mistake. Use the mistake as a learning situation; use it as a textbook. Replace the tools of war with the implements of learning, of enlightenment.

John-Roger, DSS

January 11, 2004

Some conditions don't allow for other conditions to develop, at least until the other conditions change in perfect ways and perfect timing. All the while God's perfection reigns.

John Morton, DSS
Hold your children to their responsibilities and teach them how to get along more effectively with themselves and others out of your love and concern for your child.

John-Roger, DSS
What is the relevance of loving? I believe the relevance of loving is that it maintains your awareness of Soul, and so of God, and so of yourself as a part of God.

John-Roger, DSS
Remember when you were very little and wanted to be a fireman or a train engineer or a mounted policeman? You might start putting a "deflect" on those desires, because the desire patterns that you created (even though you may have forgotten about them) can come back in. Then you say, "Oh, God, what have I done to myself?"

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual exercises are designed to rapidly break through your lack of discrimination and discernment, almost in spite of you - you the personality, not you the Soul - and only then, see love. After all is said and done, something inside of you is going to be happy - and that's You.

John-Roger, DSS