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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

December 23, 2003

You're powerful enough to put aside the burdens of this world. You're big enough to overcome the gravity, the weight of it all. Sometimes it seems really weighty, like, "I could spend all my waking hours dealing with the burdens of it all." Yes, you could. And that basically becomes hell. When all you're doing is attempting to resolve what's going on in this world, you'll spend all your waking hours attempting to resolve it. But this world is not for you to resolve personally. It's been resolved in the consciousness of the Christ, the Beloved, the One who's anointed.

John Morton, DSS
What if the appearance of the Messiah begins with you awakening to the God essence inside of you? What if it is discovering that the glory of God resides within you, as well as within all others? Traditionally, churches have taught that the glory belongs to the Father. And that is true, but it's incomplete. The Father does His work in this world through each one of us, as we do good works. If you, in your everyday life, can allow the Father to do the work of Spirit through you, you will find your life becoming simple and joyful. You will be experiencing Baraka, the Light, the Spirit, the love of the Soul, as it flows through you into the world. You don't have to control it, make it happen, or make any decisions about it. All you have to do is accept that it is happening.

John-Roger, DSS
In the Christ we have all strength, but strength without wisdom is abuse, and wisdom without love to help us express it becomes arrogance.

John-Roger, DSS
When we look into each other's eyes, bypassing the personality and idiosyncrasies, we are looking into the windows of the Soul. When we move into our own Christ center, we can gaze into the Christ within the other person, and we find that we can look at another without feeling anything but this spiritual love. Then we partake again of the Christ within and without.

John-Roger, DSS
The practice of spiritual exercises really ferrets out the junk. And sometimes, when the junk is being ferreted out, we have to express it. So we don't get to express the Godliness and the Christlikeness that we'd like to. So it's important that we love ourselves anyway and be as honest in our expression as we can without dumping our stuff on somebody else.

John-Roger, DSS
God is in all people, in all ways. If we took the word "Christ" and completely wiped it out of the language and added another word like, "murmph," and if we said there's "murmph" all over the world and may the "murmph" be with you, we might really stop a lot of bigotry and prejudice. No one would have to say, "Are you a Christian? I'm ready to fight and kill you if you're not Christian." Ready to fight and kill? How can that attitude be in those who love Christ and God? Christ came to bring love to the world.

John-Roger, DSS

December 17, 2003

Guidelines have been presented by the Masters of all the ages, guidelines for living your life in the Light of the Christ, in the Light of your own consciousness, free of suffering. These guidelines help you handle yourself in this world. Not handling this world too well does not stop your spiritual growth, but you'll be happier if you are handling it rather well. So if you want to be happier, it is your responsibility to learn those things that make it easier to live a successful, uplifting life here.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: What is the difference between "Christ Consciousness" and "cosmic consciousness"? Answer: "Christ Consciousness" is a Christian way of saying "cosmic consciousness." To say, "Christ Consciousness" does not include the Buddhists, Moslems, etc. "Cosmic consciousness" includes all people. But the two terms are so close in the level of consciousness they identify that there is almost no difference.

John-Roger, DSS

December 15, 2003

When you're in alignment with Soul Transcendence, it's the highest good of all concerned. It's working with all of your levels, but the focus is with the Soul, who you are.

John Morton, DSS
With the joyfulness comes responsibility and knowledge. Knowledge always comes from beauty. When you see something beautiful, it attracts something inside of you, and that thing inside of you says, "Oh, that's so pretty." You want to know more about it. Finding out more about it is knowledge; and knowledge becomes awareness. So your knowledge has always been based upon your perception of something beautiful. What one perceives as beautiful, of course, another may not, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As you perceive an essence of beauty and then seek for knowledge, you find that there is a love within. This love is the divine essence, which is God.

John-Roger, DSS