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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Each Soul that steps onto the path of spiritual unfoldment will, in time, come into the action of truth. In recognition of this, I suggest that we give up allegiance to labels defining spiritual pursuit; I suggest we let go of any behavioral criteria we demanded in the name of Spirit. Leave spiritual matters to Spirit. All we have to do is develop our ability to tune in to the frequency of Spirit for ourselves. We in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness can offer a method that we use as a way that works for us, but don't get attached to it as the way. Don't insist that anyone else do it your way. Within Spirit, as long as loving is involved, that is a way that works.

John-Roger, DSS
Teach your children that the rhythm of what they are doing can be their own rhythm when they are alone, and when they are with others, they must fit with the rhythm of the group. Then teach them harmony: not to be louder than others or off-key, how to blend with the group. Teach them to make their consciousness an addition to the group, not an irritation.

John-Roger, DSS
You will awaken - every one of you - to the knowledge that you are divine, that the Soul within you is directly an extension of God, and that it is your heritage to move in consciousness from the lower worlds of negativity into the heavenly worlds of Spirit. That is the spiritual promise which is pre-ordained in the journey of every Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
One day, as the spiritual promise has been given, you will see the face of God and be able to know it.

John-Roger, DSS
One of the great follies of following any particular spiritual path is the temptation to "play God." You do this by twisting the teachings to say, "I am spiritual, divine, the essence of God," but forgetting to ground those ideas into physical reality, which includes the body, imagination, emotions, mind and unconscious, with all their inherent illusions.

John-Roger, DSS

September 11, 2003

Join those that are serving so that you are united in changing this world, so that what is here, established by God, is a paradise - a paradise where there is prosperity, there is beauty for all, and all are honored in who they are.

John Morton, DSS
Prayer has so many religious overtones that our preconceptions may prevent us from seeing how simple and effective it can be. Quite simply, prayer works. It doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't have to be ritualistic. A prayer can be just three or four words. Some people have remarkable success with simple prayers. An example of a simple prayer is "God help my health." Repeated at least once a day for a month, it can bring surprising results.

John-Roger, DSS
When the body, mind and spirit are in harmony, you will experience joy along with its companion, a sense of peace.

John-Roger, DSS

September 08, 2003

I have often said that each of us is a co-creator with God. And as God in manifestation, you are responsible for what you create. So be watchful of where you look and what you are creating with your thoughts. Also remember that what you can behold, you can become. Keep your eyes on the Lord and behold God in yourself and in all things.

John-Roger, DSS

September 07, 2003

The best approach is simply to live in the now, do the best you can with your present abilities and talents, and let your actions speak for themselves. That takes understanding and awareness. It also takes love and respect for self. With it comes freedom, a sense of self-worth, and an inner security and serenity that is worth everything.

John-Roger, DSS