
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

The force that is the Supreme Lord of all universes is so omnipotent and so far beyond what the human mind can envision that there are no words that can describe or give sense to it. Since language is a primary form of communication, however, we use words as reference points that have meaning to most of us.

John-Roger, DSS
In order to expand into a higher level of consciousness, you must have less holding you here. You must let go.

John-Roger, DSS
Make your choices carefully. If you go into manipulation, resentment, greed, etc., that is what will come back to you. Instead, choose freedom.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are aware that each person progresses at his or her own rate, when you are aware that the mistakes others make are more painful to them than anyone else, then, in your awareness, you will hold for them. You will never take away your love because of something they do or don't do.

John-Roger, DSS
As long as your teen child/adult is doing no physical harm to him or herself or anyone else, you may as well see the humor in what they are doing and know that this, too, shall pass. In case you don't think so, just remember yourself, your attitudes, and your dress when you were a teen.

John-Roger, DSS

April 15, 2003

When we don't understand, when we don't compute, when we don't realize what's going on, that's a good time to step back. When you step back, you can still stay connected in your heart.

John Morton, DSS
Make it a habit to be loyal to the activities that serve the highest part of yourself.

John-Roger, DSS
Do not avoid areas of discomfort, areas in which you feel confused. On the contrary, check out those areas to determine what it is that may confuse or frighten you. You don't have to jump into them and feel confused or afraid; just objectively check them out within you. Write down what you think you don't know, and ask for clarity. Ask whom? The knower within you. You may be surprised to find the answers coming forth and freeing you from fears and limitations.

John-Roger, DSS
When you move to the power source of your beingness in the inner kingdom, you find happiness and joy. It is a dynamic joy, an active expression of happiness. Within that happiness is peace. It may not be jovial or raucous happiness; it is the warmth of your own consciousness united with the knowingness of your Soul. When those two aspects are one, happiness and peace are the natural result.

John-Roger, DSS
Much of the trick of keeping free and clear of karmic relationships with yourself has to do with attitude. There are very few things within our world that are inherently "good" or "bad," except as we label them. If you are to stay free and clear, it becomes important to place out as few judgments as possible, to maintain as neutral an attitude as possible. If you've had a "lousy" day, and you call it a "lousy" day, be aware that you are placing that attitude of "lousy" back on your consciousness because you're going to harvest that.

John-Roger, DSS