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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You are responsible for the appropriate use of your spiritual energy. You have to awaken your sight in order to get direction. Then you have to choose to go in the direction of your limitless sight, rather than turn away to the direction of your limitations. You are the co-creator. If you do not do it, it may not get done.

John-Roger, DSS

March 15, 2003

Everybody is in this Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Everybody is awakening to themselves in the greater reality of who we are as a Soul, as a God aspect, living in this world.

John Morton, DSS
Most human suffering arises in the gap between what we think should be and what is. It's here that we find our unresolved problems, worries, complaints, and judgments about the unfairness of life, as well as our fantasies about how we would like things to be. We can always come up with good reasons for our behavior: we need the money, our families expect it, we owe it to society, and so on. Our stories and reasons and excuses are always "perfect" - and so are everybody else's. When someone does something you don't like, you can be sure they have a perfect explanation for it, just as you do for your own behavior.

John-Roger, DSS
Sacrifice your desires. When they are gone, all that is left is your true beingness, which is everything and nothing.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul is positive in nature. The realm of the Soul and the realms of Spirit above the Soul are designed to lift us and bring us freedom. In the positive realms, the lower worlds lose their influence. The plan and purpose of the lower worlds becomes clear and in that clarity is freedom.

John-Roger, DSS
Do you want to know if peace exists? Then do the things that can get you to peace inside yourself. Do you have peace now? If not, then stop what you have been doing; you'll usually find that peace starts showing up.

John-Roger, DSS
Love the person with whom you are in relationship rather than put energy into complaint and what's wrong with them. That means loving them regardless of what they do. It's called unconditional loving.

John-Roger, DSS
When joy comes to your doorstep, despair is there also. We sometimes wonder at the sadness of parting, but that sadness says we had such a beautiful time together that we will miss the good times.

John-Roger, DSS

March 08, 2003

In this moment you have an opportunity to once again release through time, through past actions, that in the Light, in the love that is the Christ, the Holy Spirit, you are being lifted. You are being clarified, purified, and cleansed. You are being renewed into the Holy of Holies, the pure state of your Soul, the consciousness of God.

John Morton, DSS
When a child can let other children win, then they walk away winners too. This is cooperation and flexibility.

John-Roger, DSS