
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You'll be further ahead not to look for perfection in marriage. Marriage is not perfect, although it may be moving that way. In the meantime, it's sandpapering. It's getting the diamond out of the rough, polishing it, and putting it in a beautiful setting. Remember, however, that you don't have to use blacksmith's tools to do it. You don't have to chip or cut or hit; you just smoothly sandpaper. And you don't have to complete the entire job in one day.

John-Roger, DSS

January 10, 2003

By the practice of spiritual exercise, there is always an experience that is given to us to keep us vitalized. A holy, living breath is constantly being delivered so we do not die or perish. The reality is that we are being constantly awakened and shown the illumination that is the Light of God.

John Morton, DSS
Breathe in peace. As tensions and worries drop away, peace starts radiating through your body. Peace is very much alive and present. As you drop the pressures of your life, you'll find that peace is present, beyond the distractions. It was always there.

John-Roger, DSS
If you attempt to move back into an experience of yesterday, even if that experience was pleasurable, you may find it gone. And if you persist in your attempt to recapture that, you experience frustration and, very often, pain and confusion. Many people encounter great difficulty in attempting to live somewhere other than now. Difficulty comes if people remember the past and the sweetness of it and then try to make it work for today. Difficulty also comes if people project out into the future and try to make it happen in a particular, preconceived way, or if they look forward in fear to what might occur. If you cut out the apprehension of the future and the memories of the past you are experiencing present. If you forget to remember, you can be here now.

John-Roger, DSS
If people close to you are not feeling well, do whatever you can to help them feel better. It's worth it. It can be a lot of fun if your attitude is in the right place.

John-Roger, DSS
You've got to go in to the kingdom of heaven, disregarding everything that's said or done on this planet out here. You have to go past your hurt feelings, go past your victim consciousness, go past your mind, go past everything, and go in there just as purely as you can. That is difficult because to go inside saying, "Pure, pure," is not pure; it's a thought in your mind. People ask, "Then how do I do it?" You make peace with yourself. You forgive yourself for all the things you've done where you know you didn't do the best you could. You say, "I did the best I could with what I knew, with what I had to work with." And that's it.

John-Roger, DSS

January 05, 2003

The real key is the joyfulness and the essence behind the giving.

John-Roger, DSS

January 04, 2003

Love constantly. Love in all ways.

John Morton, DSS
Peace begins with you as an individual. It starts with your breathing, as an elemental response to life. Peace is not radical; it's a fundamental approach to existence.

John-Roger, DSS

January 02, 2003

The name of the game here is PLAY. If we look at it even more correctly, we find that it's a Divine game. The Divine game is a melodrama in so many acts that it becomes impossible to write the script completely. But it is to be enjoyed, to be viewed, to be savored - and also to participate in. Each one gets to write the role that they play, and each one gets to perform their own synopsis of what's going on. In Spirit, we therefore have liberation; we have freedom; we have a totality of beingness that is entirely present right now. There is no need to go into tomorrow or dwell on yesterday. The only reality present is here and now.

John-Roger, DSS