
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Open your heart to Spirit and to all the hurt that you've experienced, and just say inside yourself, "I forgive myself for the mismanagements, misjudgments, misinformations, or whatever else has been happening that has made me feel hurtful, resentful, contracted, pulled away. I'm going to keep extending the loving again. And I'm going to keep expanding that, until one day it stays extended all by itself." At that point, you're really going to be happy that you loved through the hurts and the discouragements and the despair and the crises, because you'll find out that it's really worth it.

John-Roger, DSS
Every person is responsible for their total beingness.

John-Roger, DSS
Traditionally, we've learned that when you yell louder than the other person does, you win and then you'll have peace. Have you noticed that it doesn't work that way? That other person will wait for the chance to get back at you, often when you're the most vulnerable, attacking your weakness and destroying what you thought was your peace. There are better ways. One of them is to let go of your position and look for ways you both can win.

John-Roger, DSS

July 23, 2002

Worship doesn't have to be something really specific like what you see or hear or sense. It can just be the realization that you are loved and nurtured, that you are taken care of and protected - a chance to re-source and to regenerate in the divine presence.

John Morton, DSS
The spiritual person does without expectation of reward, yet knows very well a reward is magnificent. The actions of service are completed with no sense of reward. And if a reward comes, it is taken care of with love, because the treasures have been laid up in Heaven.

John-Roger, DSS
If you feel like you can't say, "I love you," to your child or your spouse, go stand in front of a mirror and say, "I love you, I love you, I love you," until you break through that block. If you feel silly, stand in front of the mirror and say, "I'm silly, I'm silly, I'm silly," until you don't care anymore. Don't let your emotions block you from honest, loving expression.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: Is there any way to use the Light to protect the subconscious from being programmed when I'm not consciously aware that it is happening (television, advertising, etc.)? Answer: The best way I know of to clean out subconscious or subliminal programming is spiritual exercises. During the early portion of s.e.'s, that which is in the subconscious is brought up to the surface for "airing." The more deeply rooted concepts are often handled in the middle part of s.e.'s; when you are reaching past the mind-chatter into the sound current, such programmed energies are often transmuted. The last third of s.e's are primarily for Soul transcendence and gaining awareness of the higher spiritual realms.

John-Roger, DSS
My definition of evil is "unnecessary experience." The Soul is here to gain experience, but not all experience is necessary. Some things are a detour, a distraction and yet you must remember that not one Soul will be lost, so in the bigger picture, there is no unnecessary experience. It just depends on how many millions of existences you want to have experiences before you return to God.

John-Roger, DSS
Have you thought about this? When people fight, they are attempting to bring harmony and balance into a situation. They are attempting to find peace.

John-Roger, DSS

July 17, 2002

You can set yourself up so that you're constantly blessing yourself and others.

John Morton, DSS