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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You are already spiritual. You don't have to try to be what you already are.

John-Roger, DSS
It is really quite nice to be close with people who are in the physical healing arts, because things like massage and tender loving care can certainly alleviate pain and discomfort. Sometimes to go to a doctor and find out that he cares can make you feel a lot better. Just knowing that somebody cares can help you get rid of illnesses almost immediately. It's very important to have loving care, and loving care is the spiritual action.

John-Roger, DSS
I don't have any bad feelings towards any of those people who are negative towards me. At this point, I don't care to participate with them in what they're doing, but I imagine at some point in the future, I will. It's entirely conceivable to me that in the future, they'll be supplying great wealth and resources and love to the whole group. That's all inside of me as a possibility. And if it doesn't take place, there's no disappointment. Why? Because I've got the loving going.

John-Roger, DSS
Many people live the good life - with successful careers, great wealth, and all the security this world has to offer. What they would like more than all of that, however, is peace of mind: "I wish my mind would leave me alone so I can feel good inside myself." That peace is your natural state, and it can be obscured by the sensations of the world.

John-Roger, DSS

July 11, 2002

One way to check yourself in each moment is to find out if you are conscious of the present. Are you pulled away? When you're here and present, that's a way of knowing you're in a neutral state. When you find yourself reflecting on things like, "What did I do? Why did that happen? Oh, how will this work out?" - that's a conditioned state. Neutrality is being fully available and present to what is here to do, and responding directly, with no condition. Neutrality allows you to give fully, participate fully, and express fully.

John Morton, DSS
With Soul Transcendence, we are speaking of moving the consciousness into the Soul, activating the Soul so it can move more into pure Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
Listen carefully to what your child is asking you, and respond to that level.

John-Roger, DSS

July 08, 2002

There is a Game of Life and the Game of Love. Most people are playing the Game of Life, trying to make life work. Life already works. How we bring loving into it is the big key. That's playing the Game of Love, and it's by far the bigger game.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: How do I make a choice or find an answer that I know is for my highest good? Answer: Sometimes when you ask God a question, and you ask "for your highest good," you won't get an answer - because that is for your highest good. Your spiritual teachers may want you to work through certain patterns a little bit longer so you will gain more experience, rather than opening the door and ushering you out of the situation. It's important to remember that what is positive from the spiritual point of view may not appear positive from the physical point of view. But when you honestly ask "for your highest good," your experiences will be for your highest good.

John-Roger, DSS
You're never given anything you can't handle. That's a spiritual law. There may be things that are difficult to handle, that you'd prefer not to handle, or that you'd like to handle better, but everything you are given is within your ability to handle.

John-Roger, DSS