
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Those who manifest their spiritual consciousness can be recognized by their ability to gain those things they move towards. Rarely can their progression be blocked. They will, however, be moving towards those things that are for their highest good, towards those things that lift them into greater spiritual awareness. If they go against that action, they find many blocks placed in front of them. They can, if they so desire, override the blocks, but it becomes difficult to handle. If you find yourself being blocked in your pursuit of a particular goal, you might be wise to step back, take another look at your action and your motivations, and reevaluate whether or not your goal is for your highest good and for the highest good of those people close to you.

John-Roger, DSS
Make your child's education an active one, where they are participating and learning by doing.

John-Roger, DSS

June 14, 2002

It is the peace of standing up in great strength and purpose, with great intention towards God's loving in mankind that we bring the peace to bear everywhere we go. And peace gives unto peace as love gives unto love, as Light gives to Light, as laughter gives to laughter.

John-Roger, DSS
Energy follows thought. That means if you are thinking about a hot fudge sundae, all the levels of your consciousness come in line to bring that to you. The same is true for envisioning and moving toward higher awareness and Soul transcendence. All of your levels will start making that happen. You will receive cooperation from your mind, emotions, basic selves; even your subconscious will be guiding you though you will not be consciously aware of that level. That's why it becomes so important to watch your thoughts because you will create in a physical way those things you have focused on in your thinking. Also, be careful what you say. Listen to what you say and be sure it represents what you really want in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
When you waste energy, your consciousness starts falling and you are no longer at peace inside yourself.

John-Roger, DSS

June 11, 2002

It takes a certain amount of detachment to be able to involve yourself and yet not personalize what you're involved in. Some people project an expectation and look at the result. They look at what shows up and decide that something hasn't worked or been served, instead of realizing that it has been served. So be patient and take God's course.

John Morton, DSS
You can drop all the illusions, images and facades. You can go inside and find what is real within you. You can discover God dwelling within. As you move to that awareness, you experience the grace of God in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
Desire (even desire for God) produces resistance, and resistance blocks the process of Soul Transcendence. There is no resistance in the consciousness of God. There is only flow.

John-Roger, DSS
Take the time every day to chant the name of the Lord. Take the time to be with yourself, to sit quietly and let the concerns and distractions of the world fall away. If it doesn't feel natural to you, keep in mind that there isn't anyone born on this planet who has a natural taste to sit down and exercise discipline in this way. It's a taste you acquire by practice and doing it. As you do it, you become more and more familiar with it, and then it becomes natural.

John-Roger, DSS
The spiritual person knows that all is right and proper and that everything is really going well, even when it may not appear that way.

John-Roger, DSS