
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

When you waste energy, your consciousness starts falling and you are no longer at peace inside yourself.

John-Roger, DSS

June 11, 2002

It takes a certain amount of detachment to be able to involve yourself and yet not personalize what you're involved in. Some people project an expectation and look at the result. They look at what shows up and decide that something hasn't worked or been served, instead of realizing that it has been served. So be patient and take God's course.

John Morton, DSS
You can drop all the illusions, images and facades. You can go inside and find what is real within you. You can discover God dwelling within. As you move to that awareness, you experience the grace of God in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
Desire (even desire for God) produces resistance, and resistance blocks the process of Soul Transcendence. There is no resistance in the consciousness of God. There is only flow.

John-Roger, DSS
Take the time every day to chant the name of the Lord. Take the time to be with yourself, to sit quietly and let the concerns and distractions of the world fall away. If it doesn't feel natural to you, keep in mind that there isn't anyone born on this planet who has a natural taste to sit down and exercise discipline in this way. It's a taste you acquire by practice and doing it. As you do it, you become more and more familiar with it, and then it becomes natural.

John-Roger, DSS
The spiritual person knows that all is right and proper and that everything is really going well, even when it may not appear that way.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are in acceptance, you are in profound peace. Accepting something doesn't mean you are agreeing with it or condoning it. In acceptance, you are freeing yourself of negative thoughts and feelings and making yourself available to the powerful presence of peace. You can see more clearly. This is the place you want to be in when you have decisions to make. This is the place from which you can make an impact on the world for the better.

John-Roger, DSS

June 05, 2002

The more you exercise the grace, the less restrictions have anything to do with you.

John Morton, DSS
If you forgive me, you've done yourself a wonderful favor, because I am no longer draining your energy (though I didn't know it). You're starting to pull in the energy that was being utilized in a very destructive, corrupted way towards you, and you're reclaiming it.

John-Roger, DSS
When children love something, they look forward to it and are wide open to the information.

John-Roger, DSS