
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

One of the most difficult fixations is the expectation of what other people should do for you. It's called judging; sometimes it's called prejudice or pre-judging. If you burn your hand on the stove and hate all stoves from that point on, that's prejudice. Silly? Yes, but people apply that same logic to interpersonal relationships. The process is just as invalid, regardless of what it's applied to. If you enter into an evaluation of the situation, you may decide that putting your hand on the stove allows it to get burned. It doesn't make the stove "bad" or "against you." It's just an evaluation of what is, and you can work with that. If you move into fear, expectation or fixation, you're going to have some difficulty.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is the cessation of againstness. More than just fighting, this includes any form of againstness in your thoughts, feelings, imagination or actions.

John-Roger, DSS

May 24, 2002

The reality is that loving whatever you find in your life extends to a constant spiritual exercise. Your family becomes a spiritual exercise. Getting dressed becomes a spiritual exercise. Going to the doctor, paying the bills, driving in the car, doing all the routine and mundane things in life - all that becomes a spiritual exercise. As you love it all in the world, it translates inside of you. You come into a loving rhapsody and harmony that transcends. Love will flow in and out so there will be no stopping it. There will be no holding you back. You will be in a consciousness that cannot be denied because you are attuned to God's will being done.

John Morton, DSS
Do you know what forgiveness is all about? It's not about you forgiving me anything. It's about me forgiving me for giving myself over to the exterior senses and selling myself out and not having a wonderful, joyful life inside. That's the greater forgiveness.

John-Roger, DSS
Do what you can to support yourself within the responsibilities that come with being a parent. Sometimes just fifteen or twenty minutes of quiet time daydreaming, meditating, or meandering in your own thoughts can be as refreshing as a cool shower on a hot day.

John-Roger, DSS
Self-inquiry is the foremost way to become aware. You ask yourself, "Why am I unaware? Why am I not participating in this?" You may get an immediate answer, or you may get no answer at all because you're not ready to be taught what that is. When you're ready to be taught, you become the student to the information instead of trying to get the information and then become the master of it.

John-Roger, DSS
Part of the Mystical Traveler's work is to teach you how to attune yourself to the spiritual energy that is present. One way that is done is to present spiritual energy to you continuously. As you receive that spiritual energy, it awakens the spiritual energy in you. Then the changes happen from the inside out.

John-Roger, DSS
When you find that the source of your happiness and joy is inside of you, you will also find peace.

John-Roger, DSS

May 18, 2002

Not everything that shines brightly is a real source of Light and satisfaction. As you discover that within you is a real source of Light, then you will naturally attune to that Light and experience more satisfaction.

John Morton, DSS

May 17, 2002

You are the Light. You are divine. You are in a state of becoming aware of what you already are.

John-Roger, DSS