
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You may be alone physically, but you are never alone spiritually. When you reach into the higher levels of consciousness, into the positive areas of Spirit, you have knowledge of your oneness with everything and everyone. There is no separation.

John-Roger, DSS
Living here and now is freedom.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: Is the discipline of doing spiritual exercises regularly going to raise my level of consciousness and free me of karma? Answer: A partial yes. The other part of it involves your attitude toward your spiritual exercises. If you do them as a form of punishment, as martyrdom or complaining, spiritual exercises may not do too much. But if you do them in a form of sacredness and holiness and use them as a spiritual time between you and God, the answer to your question is yes. Absolutely.

John-Roger, DSS
Heart-to-heart healing is the goodness of one heart moving and touching another heart, which can remove hurts, regrets and envies. This other heart will then come forward and touch back to the first heart, and these hearts will start to heal each other. That is why I say, peace starts first with you. Then it becomes contagious.

John-Roger, DSS

May 12, 2002

Boredom is the reality of your creation when you are lazy and in a state of separation. If you create laziness, slothfulness, darkness, nothingness, and idleness, then you will need to deal with the results of not taking the responsibility that is your creation. It is no surprise that what you have created shows up for you to deal with. You are a creator. How do you deal with what you have created when you don't know how? Take on the consciousness of God, which is an eternal power of love. Take that on and love whatever you find.

John Morton, DSS
What you think, in your heart you're going to become. Be careful what you think. But if you think you are God, and you keep thinking that positive focus, guess what. In your heart, you will become God. And guess what you can't do then? You can't do anything except what God does.

John-Roger, DSS
Children learn best through love.

John-Roger, DSS
You can release yourself from past actions through laughter. Even in your daily life, if you can laugh instead of taking umbrage at some of the things that people say or do, then you are already free at that moment and the situation can't hang on you.

John-Roger, DSS
God is the greatest level of reality you can experience. It is pure Light and Sound. It is the Source. It is not an image, reflection or illusion. It is the only reality. That reality exists within you. It is your Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
Individual peace is the prelude to world peace. Individual peace starts with you, regardless of what anybody else does.

John-Roger, DSS