
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Do not attempt to keep up with anyone. Don't even attempt to keep up with yourself because your Self is going nowhere. It's present. Here it is. There is no right to be earned here. It is given to us by grace. Therein lies the difference. The only true right we have is to our own inheritance, and we don't have to go anywhere because we're already inherited. That inheritance is absolute truth. It resides upon itself in itself, not dependent upon anybody's point of view or whether they like it or not.

John-Roger, DSS
Raising a child isn't always easy, but it can be easier than we sometimes make it. If you relate to your child with loving consideration and respect, when that child gets to be sixteen, you probably won't have a problem on your hands. You're going to have a friend who will be a joy and a comfort.

John-Roger, DSS
To make marriage work, you also have to continue to get married, every day. In fact, it might be called "marriaging," an ongoing activity of nourishing and caring for each other.

John-Roger, DSS
You are already all that you will be. You are already that which you seek. The blessings already are, and all you need to do is open your eyes and see that. All you need is the realization.

John-Roger, DSS

January 21, 2002

Don't be afraid to be who you are. Allow yourself the dignity of your own loving.

John-Roger, DSS
Joy, dynamically moving through your consciousness, changing, altering, updating, making all things new, is indicative of the presence of Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
Trust is often one of the first things you see when you look into a child's eyes.

John-Roger, DSS
If you keep choosing the unconditional loving in condition after condition, it becomes part of the field of who you are.

John Morton, DSS
I know of two primary approaches that can assist people in transcending limited conditioning; in fact, these approaches can even transform them so the same energy of limitation can then be used for infinite expansion. These approaches are so valuable to me that I consider them my personal "commandments." I am not one of those writers who tell about the joy of spiritual and physical abundance just on a theoretical basis. I and many others share these commandments and, as a result, we experience the joy of abundance as an everyday occurrence. What are these two commandments? 1. Work and serve. 2. Learn and grow.

John-Roger, DSS
I can prove to you that you are more than the body. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let it out and breathe normally. Let your body be quiet. If you have an ache, forget it for now. Let the physical pressures drop away. Now let your emotions move away from you. If you've had your feelings hurt, let that hurt go. You don't need it. Now let the mind go. Think of nothing. Let all these levels drop away. Who's doing this? When you stop moving around physically, when you drop the emotions and become calm, when you stop the mind, who is left? It's not your emotions, your mind or your body. What is left is YOU.

John-Roger, DSS