
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

As you chant your tones (the ancient names of God), you clear enough karma to evolve to each succeeding level. It is not by your mental, physical, or creative ability that you do this. It is specifically by your putting in the time, loving, and disciplined focus that you do it.

John-Roger, DSS
If you go and sit in the corner and get comfortable and go inside and go on a spiritual quest, you'll find results depending upon the method by which you choose to travel inwardly. If you sit in fantasy, you will have fantasy results. Do you get it? If you choose to sit there and hash over old things, you get hashed- over results. So take the method and medium of greatest upliftment to you and anchor yourself onto that -- the Name of God, if you will. Call out that name inside of you. And as you call out, you get stronger inside, and you lift up until you grab God's hand. You say, "God." God may say, "Yes, I'm right here, and I've always been here."

John-Roger, DSS
Practical spirituality is not something that we just study or analyze or that was lived at some distant time that we reminisce or wonder about. If we cannot practice our spirituality, if we are not able to live beyond the pulpit and information into the world, then it just does not mean much, if anything.

John Morton, DSS
You can become quite sharp at working with your negative feedback system. If you become sensitive to it, you'll be able to sense small irritations. If you take the time to confront these situations and clear them at once, you'll probably stop most of the trouble before it ever happens.

John-Roger, DSS
Those of you who work with the Mystical consciousness are offered the Holy Spirit. Baraka, the Divine essence, is extended to you. If you recognize what you have, it enhances your Spirit. If you don't recognize it, your Spirit still sleeps. The Light is given to you consciously; it stirs the intellect and the Soul into recollection of what it really is, its promise and destiny. It is up to you to look into your own consciousness and see the Light and love there. You will see the portals and the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

John-Roger, DSS

November 05, 2001

You program what is right for you in this moment. If it changes tomorrow, then change to match it. There is nothing dishonorable about change. It is an aspect of Earth.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are in harmony, you will experience joy - along with its companion, a sense of peace.

John-Roger, DSS

November 04, 2001

If you don't know what's going on, how can you possibly doubt it? When you observe, you reach a state of contentment. That state of contentment allows the Soul energy to activate through you.

John-Roger, DSS
No badness comes out of the Creator. We are the ones who make the bad through our comparisons, misinterpretations, and judgments of the conditions.

John Morton, DSS
The Mystical Traveler teaches three important concepts. First, take care of yourself so you can help take care of others. Second, don't hurt yourself and don't hurt others. Third, use everything for your upliftment, learning, and growth.

John-Roger, DSS