
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

When you are in harmony, you will experience joy - along with its companion, a sense of peace.

John-Roger, DSS

November 04, 2001

If you don't know what's going on, how can you possibly doubt it? When you observe, you reach a state of contentment. That state of contentment allows the Soul energy to activate through you.

John-Roger, DSS
No badness comes out of the Creator. We are the ones who make the bad through our comparisons, misinterpretations, and judgments of the conditions.

John Morton, DSS
The Mystical Traveler teaches three important concepts. First, take care of yourself so you can help take care of others. Second, don't hurt yourself and don't hurt others. Third, use everything for your upliftment, learning, and growth.

John-Roger, DSS

November 01, 2001

Focus on the unconditional loving you know you can experience and express.

John-Roger, DSS
When those who can manifest Baraka, the divine essence, bring it forward into a gathering, the blessings are bestowed instantly on everyone present. If divine essence is brought to you and you don't partake of it and step forward into divine love, you deny the Holy Spirit. To deny this experience is serious on the spiritual levels, but only inasmuch as you block yourself from the reality of your own knowing. Other than that, Spirit doesn't care whether you remain in these lower worlds for two thousand years or one day. If you discover the reality that is, you have completed the lesson of this earthly "classroom" and are able to transcend to another experience.

John-Roger, DSS
The areas of control, of magic, can be really subtle. There are many, many ways that one person can attempt to exert control over another. One way, believe it or not, can be prayer. People say, "Oh Lord, Aunt Susie has a cold. Oh Lord, heal her cold." The cold continues and they think, "What happened to you, Lord? Weren't you around?" But what if it wasn't a cold; maybe it was hay fever. Maybe a better way is to ask for the Light for that person's highest good: "Lord, you know what it is. Would you assist that person in whatever way is for the highest good?"

John-Roger, DSS
When you build things up in the outer world, there are attachments, and some of them are very understandable, very human: "I love my family, and I want just certain kinds of conditions for my family, the ones that represent health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity. I want only these good things coming down that are the good conditions." The reality of God is that all the conditions are good because they are all useful for learning and growth.

John Morton, DSS
If you are working with the Mystical Traveler, it will work with you to complete all your karma this lifetime, enabling you to complete your destiny and return to the heart of God for eternity. This is work. It is not a matter of getting clearance two minutes before you die. You must create the space for the Traveler to work with you. This is done by serving, expressing unconditional love, and chanting your tone.

John-Roger, DSS
Children are often brought together in a family to sandpaper each other and to teach each other. Your job is to see that no one gets hurt and that no one inflicts in an overpowering way against another. Other than that, your attitude can be that they will learn from one another.

John-Roger, DSS