
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

For what you do in silence, God will reward you openly. No one may see it, but openly inside of you, you will be rewarded with the strength and fullness of what you've done.

John-Roger, DSS

October 26, 2001

The value of money is that it handles the environment for you, puts it in its proper perspective so that you can look at it the way it is and not fear to pick up the phone when it rings because that credit company has been calling you three or four times a day the past month.

John-Roger, DSS
It is by your works that you are known, not by your words.

John-Roger, DSS
As you invoke the state of the Divine, build it as a real field of awareness so you are at ease with all the conditions of life.

John Morton, DSS
You can program yourself, suggest to yourself all the right and necessary and good things that you want manifest in yourself. You can do it at this moment, right now, with the energies you have present in the consciousness you are now expressing.

John-Roger, DSS
Nothing stands outside your loving. You love your mistakes along with your successes. You love the down times as much as the up times. In other words, you love yourself through everything, and your effort goes into loving.

John-Roger, DSS
With subjective truth you always have to qualify your statements, which keeps your consciousness moving. You don't hold to a rigid point, like, "I've got it; this is it; no other way works." Rather, you say, "This way is working right now." And if it's working ten minutes from now, keep working with it. But if it stops working, move on to something else because it will no longer be true for you. When you reach the Supreme God, you won't be working in transitory truths. But until you do find God, you will be working in areas of relative truth because you have no other choice. Work them beautifully while you are here.

John-Roger, DSS

October 20, 2001

You reside, always, in the heart of God.

John-Roger, DSS
The dark valley, or whatever you want to call the conditions that we walk through, has no real bearing on us when we walk in the state of the Divine.

John Morton, DSS
The ancient law governing bestowal of Baraka, the divine essence, states that it must be done by a physical presence. Once the physical presence has bestowed or activated this essence of divine energy, those who have received Baraka can, in turn, bestow it on others. The more you receive of it, the more you can give it to others. This is how you have authority to do God's work.

John-Roger, DSS