
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Most people can hear, but not everyone listens, and not everyone learns. An indication of learning is a change in behavior. This change may manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. If learning takes place, a change in behavior results. Learning is not to be confused with awareness because awareness isn't necessarily a factor of learning. Awareness is more a factor of letting go of conditioned reactions and permitting the experience to take place without resistance. This may or may not be observable.

John-Roger, DSS
The only "other" that you are in relationship with is God.

John Morton, DSS
Many times what you are involved in is wrapped up in memories that keep dragging you back to the past. Completion does not necessarily mean being finished physically. You can declare something completed by just saying, "It's done. I'm not going to do it anymore. It's finished just as it is."

John-Roger, DSS
Question: I find that I often come across situations where I have trouble making decisions. Can you suggest a technique that might make this process easier? Answer: One technique that may work is to "mock up" seeing through the eyes of a master. You can call in the Light, asking for perfect protection, and then go inside and ask what the master would do in this situation. You may find that the answers come, and may be much more than just your own imagination. Then you can lean into what you have heard inwardly, and if it works for you use it.

John-Roger, DSS
To discern Spirit, you must attune yourself to Spirit and to those who know Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
Only those who work within a spiritual discipline that works during the dream state go to school during that time. Those people learn what they are capable of receiving. Each person goes at their own rate of progress. Spirit will not inflict on you, so you are never given more than you can handle. In essence, you make your choice of the curriculum by your choice of how you express loving and how you avoid the loving expression, past and present.

John-Roger, DSS
For those working in Spirit, the loyalty is to the Soul -- the God aspect of your being.

John Morton, DSS
Let each loving relationship you have with another human being live primarily inside you. If you place it in the world, you will experience difficulty. There's no relationship out there. There is only the reflection of what you are doing inside yourself and how you're dealing with relationships inside of you, not out there.

John-Roger, DSS
Sometimes we've desired something and didn't get it, and we've cussed God, our wives, our husbands, our lousy kids, and everybody else in the world -- and then weeks later the better thing comes forward. Then we don't know what to do because we've put God down, we've put our wife or husband down, we've put the kids down, we've put everybody down, but here comes this wonderful opportunity. It's because Spirit, the substance of life, had the better one coming for you and negated the one that was not going to give you the fullness that you had tuned in to. And so it looked like a curse, but the blessing was right behind it.

John-Roger, DSS
I have taught children what I call the "nine magic words" that are available to them -- and to everyone. The first three are "I love you;" the second three are "God bless you," and the third three are "Peace, be still." These words are powerful.

John-Roger, DSS