
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Correct imagination means having a very clear and vivid idea of what you want to take place. The pictures you carry in your mind are more important than those you carry in your wallet because they affect what they depict, and you are held responsible for them. In other words, if you carry negative pictures, you get negativity. The key is to consider our needs in light of the energy they represent. This sounds complicated but it is very important. Don't just imagine what you think you need; be clear about where that need really comes from. Consider the essence of what is going on. Does that need support the intention of your life? Does it support you moving into completeness, into joy, into humor, into fulfillment? Rather than saying, "I need that boat, I need that house, I need that chocolate cake," visualize the true essence of your need. Again, the first step is silence, meditation. Intuition starts to take place, and you recognize God as your source. I am not referring to the god of a tiny ego personality, the god of our lower levels of consciousness, but the real God.

John-Roger, DSS
When I remember the Christian saying, "Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me," (Matthew 25:40) I cannot say, "Oh, well, not you, Lord. I did not do that to you." My realization is, "Yes, I did do it to you when I did it to the least of them." Does referring to "the least of them" include only people? Maybe it is also the least thing. What if the reality is that when you kick your bumper or the door of your car, you did it to the Lord? One day that hit me, and I thought, "Oh, my god, how am I ever going to be cleared of all my transgressions?" That was the day I really began to know forgiveness. I began to know that when I look for the good and for the Divine, then good and the Divine will be added unto me.

John Morton, DSS

October 27, 2000

Loving can cure all.

John-Roger, DSS
Don't sit in judgment of your own lack of awareness or anyone else's. The action of judging demonstrates lack of awareness.

John-Roger, DSS
Learning and growing are actually a manifestation of working and serving. What is there to learn? Everything. And, if that seems a little overwhelming, how about learning not only to do the best you can, but, each day, to let your best be just a little better?

John-Roger, DSS
Correct action means the willingness to do whatever is necessary -- physically, emotionally, mentally -- to make it all happen. Spiritual Warriors manifest themselves through correct action, because their only true intention is spiritual growth, expansion, and revelation. Whatever else comes is a bonus, to be enjoyed, to participate in, but never to get caught up in. Make the Spiritual Warrior way of action your own, and you will begin to manifest the fruits of your spiritual progress in everything you do.

John-Roger, DSS
Just as you can experience your breath as a constant process, in and out, so, too, experience your love as a constant process, in and out.

John Morton, DSS
When you teach children, teach them in the consciousness of their experience. Use their language to talk to them. If it's baby-talk, you use baby-talk. If it's love-talk, you use love-talk. It should all be love-talk. Even when you are saying, "Shh, be quiet," the child should not hear any harshness. The child should hear, "I love you very much; please be quiet now." Then the youngster will be quiet just to please you.

John-Roger, DSS
Teachers of Spirit are often regarded and described in superlatives. It is fine to love your teacher in spiritual awareness. From the spiritual heart, devotion to a teacher may be a positive, uplifting action for you. If the loving expressed is one of emotionality, however, there can be a trap with that. If you so emotionally adore and love your teacher, what happens when the teacher dies? You may be stuck in the causal realm with all your emotions. Spirit's way is to emphasize the teachings, not the teacher. I suggest the most effective way you can demonstrate love and devotion for your teacher is to exemplify the teachings.

John-Roger, DSS
When you have set a goal for yourself -- whether it's short-term or long-term -- envision yourself getting there. Use your creative imagination and see yourself attaining your goal. That's a good way to stimulate the success mechanism, a good way to prime the pump. Hold the image of your success and your completion in front of you, and keep moving forward. It will become obvious, moment to moment, what must be done next. All you have to do is hold to that completed image of success as your direction and then move to the next obvious thing to be done. That's living in the now, and that's success.

John-Roger, DSS