
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

When the Light descends in your consciousness, it allows you to reach into the "hope chest" and bring forward those ideas which will work for you -- ideas which you can use later because your intelligence will still be in those areas. I'm not talking about mentalizing, which is more of a "record/play back" process. I'm talking about the ability to take idea "A," idea "B," and idea "C" and, within yourself, jump over to "H" and create a whole new process. This is the type of intelligence that makes it possible for people to find their own way once they have been shown the Light.

John-Roger, DSS

September 22, 2000

Before you express the power of love, you must first be silent in order to find out what love is.

John-Roger, DSS
When we define "manifestation" as "appearing physically," we are only taking into account physical forms, objects. But successful manifestation is only complete if it results in a change in consciousness. That change of consciousness, in turn, is the realization that the essence of what we sought in a physical form is actually inside of us. "Having" doesn't mean possessing a physical object. It means no longer experiencing the need.

John-Roger, DSS
There is no limit to the power of loving.

John Morton, DSS
You can treat your child with the loving care, dignity, respect, and concern that you want for yourself.

John-Roger, DSS
How do we know when we have reached the ideal? Because there will be perfect balance. We will have perfect rhythm, cooperation, coordination -- and that is the Sound of God. That is the sound of all things. All humanity is walking to the heartbeat of God. Everything walks in this. We can't get out of it. Our problem is that we think we're out of it or we feel we're out of it. And those are the betrayals of our own personality/ego.

John-Roger, DSS
How do you know when you don't need something? As a rule, if you don't use it for six months to a year, it can go. Quite simply, we don't use what we don't have use for. Most people are so full with what they don't need that they have no space for the new. They are attached to how pretty something is or to its sentimental value or to how "desperately" they need it. So they live in their desperation instead of in the abundance of the supply. The Spiritual Warrior, on the other hand, is ruthless in letting go of this excess baggage.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are in spiritual harmony, you are the one that is. You are a distinct part of the cosmic flow of this universal intelligence. You are in cooperation with the spiritual hierarchy of the planet.

John-Roger, DSS
I look upon negativity and pain as messengers of better opportunities that are available. Negativity and pain tell us that things could be better and that, often, the way things are is unnecessary or available for improvement. Some people might ask, "What about situations when the negativity and pain get worse and worse no matter what I do?" I have often heard John-Roger refer to his mother's saying, "If it does not kill you, it will strengthen you." And what if it does kill you? In reality, only the body dies. You live on, strengthened by all of your experiences, no matter how severe.

John Morton, DSS
Have you ever noticed that negativity strikes primarily in the area of your weakness? It rarely tests you in the field of your strength because in that type of showdown, it will lose. The negative forces know that, and they have a kind of intelligence that will instinctively go for your weak areas. Just about the time you think you've really got an area mastered, the negative power comes in to make sure you've mastered it. If you have, you're free. If you haven't, you find yourself still bound by the laws of the lower worlds. And even when you pass the tests and prove your spiritual strength, you have to continually exercise those strengths, because if you slip from spiritual attentiveness, you will be found out.

John-Roger, DSS