
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Children need to learn that the rhythm of what they are doing can be their own rhythm when they are alone and when they are with others, they must fit with the rhythm of the group. Teach them the rhythm. See how they fit in. Then teach them harmony: not to be louder than others or off-key, how to blend with the group. Teach them to make their consciousnesses an addition to the group, not an irritation.

John-Roger, DSS
Your inability to control your "problems" can bring despair. Then you start getting depressed and go down in your consciousness into feelings of, "Nobody loves me, nobody cares; woe is me; I'm no good." You go into these expressions because you feel you can't control what's going on in your environment. You can control yourself (attitude) within your inner environment, but you cannot control your outer environment.

John-Roger, DSS
False images keep us from knowing the truth of who we are. When we attempt to identify with the things that are false, it leads to unhappiness. So if you want to create happiness, identify with what's true and know what's true for you intimately.

John-Roger, DSS
Depression is only a way of looking at things that says there is lack or failure within the consciousness. It is demonstration that you have moved away from your "state of being" and have falsely identified with some level less than that of Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
People are awakening to the greater realities, which, in actuality, are not seen with physical vision, but are seen, perceived, intuited, felt, sensed with the knowing essence of the Spirit within you. Part of the process of manifesting abundance and making it your own involves acts of faith. This is not just having faith that something good will happen; I'm not talking about wishing on a lucky star or betting your favorite number and having faith that you'll win. I'm talking about a faith that involves your doing those positive things that produce successful results.

John-Roger, DSS
How do we achieve abundance? How do we find this essence which we already possess inside ourselves? Spiritual Warriors find what they are looking for by doing. Doing includes specific tasks like meditation and spiritual exercises, and it finally means precipitating down from the Sprit to manifest through the emotions, the intellect, and the body. When we have access to the essence we can share it with others, through manifestation.

John-Roger, DSS
Don't make it a federal crime if a child messes up. If the child makes errors, in school or at home, understand that making errors is part of learning. If a child were born perfect, you wouldn't be needed. Let the child know that it is okay to make errors, from missing a question on a test to spilling the milk. If you make it all right to do well and to make mistakes, your child will probably not lie to you. How marvelous to have a parent-child relationship where neither one lies.

John-Roger, DSS
You will be on your best behavior when you make your life loving every day and in every way.

John Morton, DSS

August 21, 2000

The most precious gift is the gift of self. The most precious return is the self returning.

John-Roger, DSS

August 20, 2000

The whole process of what we call the spiritual must be very practical to this world. It must not exclude this world, nor must it exclude any form in this world; but you also don't have to participate in everything that's present. You can be highly selective because you can say, "I paid last year," you know, "I already donated. I gave already. Now I'm ready to receive of the next level and I'll give when I get to that one. Then I will give again to receive of another one."

John-Roger, DSS