
Quotes in the category "Freedom" (142 results)

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There was a young man who had great potential. He was being taught about the Light and the action of the Light, and he could have moved into an expression of Light consciousness. But he also went to a lot of pot parties with his friends. He was told about the drug action and he said, "I go into the group, and I send them the Light and love them all, so everything is okay." It was explained to him how he could get suckered right into the drug scene because it was a potential karmic path for him. He was at a choice point of either accepting it and going that way, or stepping away from it. He had the knowledge and the ability to choose another path. He said that he did not want to leave his friends, so the recommendation was: "Get new friends." Well, he was a free Soul. No one controlled his life. He's so hooked on narcotics now that his mind is shot. You'll be talking to him about one thing and he'll go off on a tangent. You try to get him back to the subject and he sort of comes back and then takes off again. His mind is following what to him is a logical pattern, but he doesn't know that his mouth isn't matching it. And he thinks you're weird because you're not keeping up with him. This is one of those cases where it's his right to destroy himself as he chooses. And it's his responsibility to go through every bit of the action. The problem is that there is no foundation for spiritual illumination through the illusions involved with drugs.

John-Roger, DSS
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