
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

You can "know" a lot of information without really knowing it. You can read what someone else has experienced and "know" it on an intellectual level, but until you have had the experience, the process is like that of a child who sees a flashlight beam on a wall and goes to the wall to get the light. That beam is only a reflection of the light, not its source. Yet many people do a similar thing, going out into the world to see who will reflect Light back to them. They are searching for a form of Light, but aren't going to the source to find it. You can continually fool yourself by gratifying your own illusion, which causes pessimism and doubt. Then you miss the Divine Essence, the Light, the Spirit, the love of the Soul that is being continually extended to you. You gain confidence when you use your experience as your teacher.

John-Roger, DSS