
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

Question: When I'm working off karma, is there a way that I can be assured that I'm not going to create more? Answer: Do all things in God's name. Place the Light ahead of you in all that you do. Ask always that your actions be for the highest good. You may accrue some karma, but it will be worked off that night in the sleep state and cleared instantly through the grace of the Traveler. This works only if your actions reflect living love, not ego involvement. The best way not to accrue karma is to remain neutral. If you make a mistake, don't feel guilty about it; if possible, go back and clear the mistake. If you have a misunderstanding with someone, just talk to them and clear it with them. Often, karma is produced more by guilt than by the actions themselves. So either enjoy it or don't do it.

John-Roger, DSS