
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

You might say, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I do the best I can." That's important. That's you doing your part of the partnering - becoming God's partner. And when you find yourself resisting, that's for you to deal with, knowing that your choices include such things as resisting, holding back, putting on the brakes, stopping, slowing down, or letting go to find God is moving you all along at the highest rate you can go. The Mystical Traveler is working in all of that at both the slowest rate and the highest rate because it's the Traveler's nature to be with you according to what you can handle, allow and choose to create. The direction is towards the highest rate that is the highest good of all concerned.

John Morton, DSS