
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

This day you can choose, right in this moment, if you want to lead a miserable, agonizing life. You're going to be a day older no matter how you choose. When you think you're there, keep going on. When somebody says, "You're wrong, I'm right," give them a chance to explain, and in that explanation, you won't be knocking them over. When the Light of God knocks on your door, let it knock in such a way that you go up instead of going down. When you go up, there will be all sorts of people grabbing hold of you. When others say, "Well, you wouldn't have gotten there without so-and-so," give a special thanks. This is why masters and teachers always give a special thanks to their guru, because without that one they would not have been able to lift up.

John-Roger, DSS