
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

It seems like there are more terrible things occurring on this planet than there have ever been before. We have had 2000 years of the Christ energy, influence, and information, and there are all these terrible things happening. Is being Christian a failure? Some people might look at it that way, but let's look at another point of view. Have you ever taken a bucket that's been sitting outside, turned on the hose to fill it with water, and had the water gush out of the hose really fast and, as it hits the bucket, all the dirt and debris that's in the bottom shoots up and all over you? You jump back and say, "Oh, my God, I've got junk all over me!" And it looks like there's more junk on you than there ever could have been in the bottom of that bucket. What we are seeing on the planet right now appears to be more junk than ever could have been in the bottom of the bucket. That's because Spirit is being shot into an area that is bringing it all up. The action of Spirit is bringing up all the junk and crud that's been sitting in the bottom of that bucket for centuries. It's being brought up to be dealt with. How do you deal with it? Skim it off. Then you put more water in the bottom of the bucket; you fill it until the junk floats up to the surface and falls away, and then the water flows up naturally clean and pure. Sending the Light for the highest good -- often and neutrally -- helps the bucket get clean. We can apply this analogy to some of the global situations that exist in our world right now. You can also apply it to things that happen in your own life.

John-Roger, DSS