
Loving Each Day

With life moving so quickly these days, it's nice to have a touch point to bring us back to our spiritual center. Loving Each Day is a free, daily email designed to uplift, inspire, and remind you of your divinity and true nature.

Grace is God's righteousness, where "when you do it to the least one of these, you've done it unto me," and "love God with your body, mind, and Soul and your neighbor as yourself." Those who are under the law are not loving themselves. The Bible says, "A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue." Do you understand that? We stop finding faults in people, and we start to understand that what they're going through is their process, and we just let them do it. It's called, "That's their '10-percent level,' their own area of concern."

John-Roger, DSS