
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Negative selfishness wants people to live their lives the way you want them to. That's negative. But positive selfishness says, "I will live my life according to the dictates of the God withinā€¦and you can do the same." That is a beautiful, selfish, practical way to live. That way allows you to walk with the Beloved.

John-Roger, DSS
In the midst of your physical personality trivialities, your Soul will be laughing. You see, it is hopelessly and incorrigibly the living love. It is blissfully ignorant of the pain and suffering we have in the personality, in the emotions, in the mind and the imagination. It only knows the Light.

John-Roger, DSS

April 17, 2024

Dear Lord, we ask that You receive all of our requests. In the generosity of Your spirit, may we know You receive every single request. We move forward in health, wealth, and happiness, loving, caring, sharing, riches, abundance, prosperity, and touching fully into You as much as we can handle. For all this and more, especially what we don't realize that You are already doing for us, we give thanks.

John Morton, DSS
Take care of yourself so you don't become a burden upon society, your loved ones, or your family. In the level of the imagination, hold pictures of completion, the things you want more of. Use this creative imagination to see yourself and everyone else doing good, being good and having good.

John-Roger, DSS
When the human consciousness inflicts itself upon another human consciousness - when it creates harm, hurt, pain, etc., through physical action, thought patterns, verbal expression, dishonesty, deceit, financial fraud, emotional control patterns, or any other way - it is held accountable for that and will be given the opportunity to clear the action and bring it into balance.

John-Roger, DSS
You are placed on the planet with everything you need already inside you. You can't be upset unless you allow it. You can't be controlled unless you allow it. This puts you in a unique position. You are a creator. You can create discord or harmony, despair or happiness, depression or joy, lack or productiveness.

John-Roger, DSS
Some problems don't have to be solved by actions or words. Time will solve some problems in and of itself. It can happen if you are strong and loving enough to get out of the way and let Spirit work in Its own perfect timing.

John-Roger, DSS
All you need to do is accept your emotions in the moment, work within that present structure, and continually let go and move freely to the next moment. This method automatically handles past feelings since you always keep yourself up to date. It is all now. No moment of awareness is not now.

John-Roger, DSS
Loving is a pleasant, beautiful, majestic energy. If God is going to love all of creation, God is going to love whatever is the negative power and however it became the negative power. This is the love that prevails. It is the ultimate power. It's going to outlast and endure. It is going to be the power that remains.

John Morton, DSS
There is one consciousness and that is the consciousness of God. There is only one reality and that is God reality. There is only one path and that is the path of Light. And there is only one manifestation, and that is love.

John-Roger, DSS