
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Complete the action. Don't assume something is completed because you are mentally, physically, or emotionally tired. If you are washing the car and you declare it finished when someone offers you a cool drink, you may be deceiving yourself and aborting this process of moving toward your own prosperity. "What?" you might ask. "Can such a little thing as that block my prosperity?" Many little things, added together, can create one big block.

John-Roger, DSS
In a marriage, there is nothing to say that one role is necessarily "male" and one role is necessarily "female." There are common goals, and there are roles that support those goals. Either partner may fulfill any role. The roles may remain constant throughout a lifetime, or they may shift many times; it doesn't matter. As long as each one gives 100 percent, the marriage is complete and is working. When you are married and are committed to the love you have for your spouse, there is nothing you will not do, no role you will not take. With that attitude, your lover is less likely to make unloving demands upon you. So it's a two-way street.

John-Roger, DSS
Q: Is there anything I can do about going unconscious in my spiritual exercises? J-R: Yes, you keep going through it anyway. It will open. It's never not opened for anyone yet, ever. You're not going to be an exception. But you're not going to know the truth of that until it does it.

John-Roger, DSS
We shut down our awareness of God by putting our faith in the world, professing God's greatness out there. But God's greatness isn't out there. It's inside us.

John-Roger, DSS
Do not enter into any situation that causes you even a little twinge of feeling, "Oh, I wasn't all that honest." That's guilt.

John-Roger, DSS

March 07, 2005

One of the things that I have learned how to do in the process of discovering how parenting works is to take myself off any idea that I'm in a superior position. One of the mistakes I've found with myself and other parents is that we somehow consider, "I'm supposed to know here. I'm the one who knows. I'm the authority here. I'm the one in charge. I'm the one in control because I said so." I think we are in a position to temper that whole thing so that we are aware of a divinely guiding conscience and consciousness such that we are placed in a position to lead and to conduct the direction and the order of the family. It is our turn in a way. And as it is our turn, then it is a great responsibility to do it in a consciousness that respects who the people in the family are rather than imposes my standards, my conditioning, my wants as though, "Well, because I have the position of leadership here, we are going to do it my way." That's not really the correct way to lead in the family. The correct way is, "What's going to serve us here?" That has a relative order to it that goes according to who has greatest need. The whole family is called upon to line up where that greatest need is.

John Morton, DSS
I look upon myself as someone very much like the prodigal son [in the Christian Bible]. I "left home" long ago and have wandered the lands of the emotions, mind, imagination, and materiality for a long time. The lands of Spirit, Soul, and God - my true home - became dim and nearly forgotten. I cannot tell you exactly what caused me, in this lifetime, to hear the call of my Father, "When are you coming home?" I only know that I did.

John-Roger, DSS
Spirit is the purest essence in all creation, including the worlds of the physical plane and the worlds of the higher planes. Since Spirit is pure essence, anything that manifests must manifest from Spirit. It most often appears as nothing. Scientists have traced the elements of creation to subatomic particles, but they don't know what is beyond. Subatomic particles are manifestations from Spirit, and they can be created or brought together by the power of the mind. Because the mind has tremendous power, it is important to be careful in using it. When a person reaches a point of mastership of creation, they can manifest whatever they want. There is a man in India who can do this. He is such a master that he doesn't have to formally sit down and gather the energy together; he simply commands it mentally and brings into physical existence whatever he wishes to create. You can learn to use this energy to elevate yourself and others into a higher state of consciousness, by radiating this energy through the consciousness and increasing the energy level of the body.

John-Roger, DSS
Forgive yourself.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul is what you want to identify with. Find every way you can to know your Soul more completely. Consciously maintaining a loving and positive attitude, no matter what is happening around you, will assist you. Giving of yourself to others will also assist you. There are lots of ways to attune yourself to the Soul. Experiment. Find the ways that work for you and that give you a sense of oneness with everything and everyone.

John-Roger, DSS