
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Worshipping God is worthwhile. We call it doing spiritual exercises. People get astounded when they realize that, by doing spiritual exercises, they have been worshipping God with their body, mind and Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

November 24, 2003

It's important to have clear direction for yourself so that you know what your life is about. You might say it is your purpose, your spiritual destiny, or something like that; however you term it doesn't matter. It's a living principle for you on how to conduct your life. In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, Soul Transcendence is presented to you as a living principle, a purpose that allows you to have a focus with which all of your life can align.

John Morton, DSS
If you are honest in giving your children sex education, in the timing that's right for them, you may be able to allow them to bypass sexual experience until they are ready to handle it emotionally and mentally. There are responsibilities and potential responsibilities on many levels that go with sexual intimacy, and children should be aware of these things.

John-Roger, DSS
As you create love, harmony, happiness, joy, and peace, these qualities will be returned to you. Then the world will become an easier, happier place in which to live.

John-Roger, DSS
Pure spiritual exercises need be done only fifteen minutes a day, but few people are capable of pure spiritual exercises. By pure, I mean total concentration in total loving devotion. Most disciples of Spirit require two hours a day just to get those fifteen minutes.

John-Roger, DSS
If you have an attunement with Spirit, then anything you do, no matter how big or small, can be a vehicle for sharing divine love with others.

John-Roger, DSS
Turning the outcome of our prayers over to God prevents our egos from interfering and helps us steer clear of trying to manipulate circumstances to our advantage at the expense of others.

John-Roger, DSS

November 18, 2003

I'm not here to get into some comparison or some evaluation of the condition. I'm here to love the condition - very pure and simple. Then the fun is: How do I love it? I respond with my love. Let me count the ways, and let me find a new and better way to love the condition. If you're having a difficult time, look at the ways you're clinging and hanging on to what is no longer present, what no longer serves you.

John Morton, DSS
When emotions are raging inside of you, that's not peaceful. You can use those feelings as information. For instance, when you see someone you resent, you can observe your feeling and name it: "That is resentment." Naming something can release its power over you.

John-Roger, DSS

November 16, 2003

If a person drops out of loving, they've also dropped out of service, so they're doing things mechanically. They're no longer being of service; they are now being of "slaving," and they feel like they're a slave to something. When loving comes back in, then the serving reappears.

John-Roger, DSS