
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

November 18, 2000

In the midst of confusion and chaos, it is always helpful to have people who are centered and calm. It's nice to be able to suspend judgment to say, "I don't know what's going on and I'm not going to decide what is right and what is wrong, but when it's all over, I'll do what I can to assist those people who have become involved in the turmoil." It's nice to just assist, not to punish or attempt to make anyone see any particular point of view. It helps to just lift people and give them the vision of unity and brotherhood and oneness.

John-Roger, DSS
We manifest, not by trying to attract to us, but by expressing out from us: not taking, but giving. When we are sharing that essence in our Soul, the genuinely good things come to us automatically -- you don't have to manipulate, play the games, con somebody, or lie to them. The manifestation just starts taking place, and people are attracted to it.

John-Roger, DSS

November 16, 2000

At any given moment everyone has available to them the knowledge of whether or not they're being true or false -- if they care to listen. Jesus said, "My Father doeth the work." That shows the integrity. The Father could also be called God. A man of integrity is a man of God. The more integrity speaks through you, the more people will see God in you and feel the essence and trueness of that. And the further you get away from that, the more they will sense the guile or negativity.

John-Roger, DSS
Ask. That is a key to seeking. Seeking is a key to finding. Be careful what you ask for because it leads to what you seek, which leads to what you find.

John Morton, DSS
If you can allow the freedom inside you to flow with the cosmic energy, not necessarily as you might like it, but as it comes through the other person, you automatically spiritualize yourself. This is the spiritual scientific explanation for acceptance and unconditional loving.

John-Roger, DSS

November 13, 2000

This life and all its experiences are for your upliftment and to assist you in your journey home to God.

John-Roger, DSS
We cannot demand or assume that life will take care of us. That is taking a position. People who get stuck on a position are frozen. They are chained to their needs, their anxieties, and their desire for gratification. If you insist that someone is supposed to do something for you, you have chained yourself to that. Do you want those chains for your lifetime breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Spiritual Warriors do not fall into the trap of making their gratification and security depend on other people. The Spiritual Warrior goes for freedom.

John-Roger, DSS

November 11, 2000

Integrity is an indicator, in the physical world, of spirituality.

John-Roger, DSS
Always teach by example.

John-Roger, DSS
All things come out of God -- and whatever comes out of God is good.

John Morton, DSS