How to download products

For PC

Right click (not left click) on the URL to save the file. A pop-up box will appear and most of the time it will give you an option to save the link as….if you regular click it can start playing if your computer’s preferences are set up to play using Quicktime or RealOne player’s. Everyone’s computers are unfortunately set up differently. Then direct your computer where to save the mp3. If you save to your desktop then you can drag it and drop it at a later date to a specific folder.


Control (Apple) click on the URL to save the file. A pop-up box will appear and it will give you an option to save the file or save the link as….if you regular click it can startplaying if your computer’s preferences are set up to play using Quicktime or RealOne player’s. Everyone’s computers are unfortunately set up differently. Then direct your computer where to save the mp3. If you save to your desktop then you can drag it and drop it at a later date to a specific folder.

How to access digital Discourses and SATs

Download from the MSIA Website

-Once you’ve logged in to the website, hover over your name at the top-right corner and click on Student Download Center.  
-To the right of the SAT or Discourse Year you wish to download, right-click (PC) or Ctrl+click (Mac) on , then click Save as…
-Choose the save destination (Desktop, Downloads, etc..), then click Save.

SATs and Discourse will remain in your Student Download Center for a year. SATs are saved as audio MP3 files. Discourses are saved as zip files that require extraction for you to access them. To do so:
-Locate the file (looks like a folder with a zipper on it).
-Right-click (PC) or Ctrl+click (Mac) on the folder, then click Extract All.
You’ll find 12 individual folders, each with a PDF and ePub version of the Discourse, along with some additional information relevant to your studies.

Read/Listen on the MSIA- Love, Light & Sound App

-On the home screen of the app, tap LOGIN at the top-right corner, then under Account tap Login again. Enter the same username and password you use to log in to the MSIA website.

-Once logged in, tap on Library at the bottom of your device screen.

  • To read discourses, tap on Soul Awareness Discourses. Then tap on the year you’re on, then tap on the discourse number/name to begin reading.

The app will only allow access up to the year that you have purchased so far. Although you will have access to the whole year of Discourses, please remember to follow the guidelines and only read one Discourse per month.

  • To listen to SATs, tap Soul Awareness Teachings, tap on the title of the seminar. Press the play button if the audio doesn’t start playing on it’s own.

Discourses can remain visible on the app indefinitely. SATs will remain on the app for one year. For more information on how to ge the most out of your Discourses and SATs on the app, tap the icon at the top right corner of the app Library.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, email us at or call (323) 737-4055 and ask to speak to someone in the Products & Services Department. You can also fill out the contact form below and someone will get back to you.


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