**Physical discs NOT sold separately. Individual seminars available in downloadable MP3 ONLY**
These John-Roger seminars and Q&A’s for Initiates are a rich resource for MSIA Initiates who want to deepen their participation with Spirit and work on becoming true Initiates of the Traveler. The entire 14 disc set is available for $100 ($140 value). You can save on shipping and taxes by choosing to download individual seminars in MP3, and you can save 29% moreĀ perĀ seminar by choosing to download this ENTIRE collection for $80.
This packet contains the following titles
How To Be An Initiate Part I
“During the first two years, you’re under the lords of karma, and they’ll do everything they can to see that you’re worthy to work into the second level of initiation. At that time, when you reach the level of Causal Initiation, you become more directly involved with the Mystical Traveler – more. And at that point, you’re taking most of the direction through the Mystical Traveler for the releasing of karma. When you get to the third initiation into the Mental realm, at that point, the Mystical Traveler is issuing and dispensing almost the total karma.”
How To Be An Initiate Part II
“Light initiations and sound initiations are different. The Sound Initiation has to be given by a Sound Master – somebody who has a key to it. A Light Initiation – you can do it yourself. It’s just getting more light energy into the body. There’s not too many sound initiations, but there could be ten billion Light initiations.”
Keys to Soul Transcendence
“You that are initiates have more responsibility than anyone else on this planet.”
Initiation: The Pearl of Great Price
“The Light came into the world, and the darkness of the world didn’t know the Light. The darkness can’t know the Light. The darkness is the physical, the emotional, the mental, the astral, the unconscious bodies. So, therefore, a Light action cannot be perceived through darkness. So you move into the Light and perceive Light by Light. And this is what Jesus was referring to. It was pretty neat.”
Are You Initiated or an Initiate?
“Telling the truth does not reward you in the world. You are rewarded instantly with the freedom that the truth produces.”
Initiates Meeting Q&A
“I’ve often said, if you really want to know the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, check to see all the disasters around you. If you’re having a lot of difficulties and problems, you’re sitting right in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s strengthening you.”
The Connection of Initiates
“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. So no matter how great and good you are in this world, that that is in you is greater.”
The Heritage of Initiation Part I
“If you could see that soul that you are, you’d never do anything in any level to corrupt it ever, ever, ever again.”
The Heritage of Initiation Part II
“One key thing that really makes spiritual exercises work – and you can do this with the Traveler, or Jesus Christ, or Buddha, or your little daughter, or whoever. And that is, inside, you just fill up with them. You think of them with so much love that if they were there, you would kiss ’em and love ’em straight to God. And you just fill up so much with their essence that you enter into it.”
Challenge of the Spirit
“Listen. We’re all doing the best we can with what we have to work with and with what we know and what we’re in. And if could do better, we would do better.”
Let’s Face It Part I & II
To have freedom of choice, it must be random choices. If you get random choices, you get unpredictability. If you get unpredictability, you can get bad luck. But what you have to understand is that, in that bad luck, you’ve got another opportunity to choose. And that’s the only thing we get to keep doing over and over, is re-choosing. That’s it.”
Making God Your Intention
“Don’t be stupid about your intention. Get it clear that you are in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness because soul transcendence is the business we’re dealing in. We’re here to assist each other on this upward path to get into this transport system that is ours. It’s in-built.”
The Spirit ‘n You
“The saints, the Travelers, had the path of liberation. You have to go into it. This isn’t my device; this is sacred scripture.”
-John-Roger, DSS | quotes from the enclosed programs
God Bless You!