The title of this seminar leads us to the heart of our lives. John-Roger begins by stating, “Our long-range life goal is Soul Transcendence. That’s where you realize God’s presence in your life and Who you are as a result. But you can’t have that goal the way you are now. So that means there’s got to be some kind of fundamental, radical change.”
Well how are we now? Within the seminar J-R offers many examples of how we find ourselves stuck in our karma. “Who knows what karma is?” J-R says. “Nobody. It’s an invisible sucker that moves you and you don’t want it. But the ways that we have commonly lived life-our habitual responses, our addictive behaviors –had to come out of our karma: the blue print for this life time.”
The point J-R makes throughout the seminar is this. “To change the addictions, you’ve got to do something different from what you’ve done before. It’s a terrible thing,” he goes on, “to lose all your possessions, for instance, in a hurricane, or a mugging, or anything. It’s a terrible thing. So better start treating them with a little indifference. And a radical look on this is ‘how do I use this to my advantage?’ ”
This seminar will change your life if you let it.
God Bless You!