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Everything Else Being Equal

Stock # 1379-CD


In this seminar John-Roger stirs up the things inside us that aren't working so that we can let go of them. People rarely think, but they often mentalize….

In this seminar John-Roger stirs up the things inside us that aren't working so that we can let go of them. People rarely think, but they often mentalize. Resentment is caused by emotions in error, believing someone else is wrong. He also discusses how dreams reveal what's inside of us, discernment and judgment, they key of observation, and three areas of trust.

God Bless You!

Length of CD: 53:01

Weight 0.70 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in


Private: Everything Else Being Equal

Stock # 1379


We are already divine, and John-Roger stirs up the things inside…

We are already divine, and John-Roger stirs up the things inside us that aren’t working so that we can let go of them. People rarely think, but they often mentalize. Resentment is caused by emotions in error, believing someone else is wrong. John-Roger discusses how dreams reveal what is inside us, discernment and judgment, the key of observation, and three areas of trust.

Weight 2.42 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in