Here is one of John -Roger’s particularly sweet seminars which carries with it profound guidance for living our lives. He begins by bypassing our grown-up defenses and calls forward the childlike innocence inside. We can experience this seminar from that place.
Using amusing examples from his own life, J-R speaks of the childish impulses that tend to run us — impulses that are probably from our ancient embodiments. He points out that impulses like, “I’d rather do it myself!” are likely to usher us forward into another lifetime on earth if we’re not careful…..un less, of course, you’d really like to come back again.
Instead, J-R encourages us to discard those accretions of stubbornness and grandiosity and learn instead to live a life of simplicity. “All we really need,” he says, “is air, water, food, protection, helter…and love.”
God Bless You!
Length of MP3: 36:41