Three audio experiences from John-Roger are included in this collection called “Soul Journey Through Spiritual Exercises.” Each is intended to move us along the path to God. Each was recorded at the historic original Spiritual Exercises workshop, facilitated by John-Roger.
Audio/Video 1 – Human Spiritual Rights
J-R explains the value of forgiveness, the importance of taking care of the physical level, and the responsibility of each individual to stay in the grace and Light of God.
Spiritual exercises connect us to the golden thread of our existence, and J-R explains how to get out of the body through the “tenth door,” an opening that is physically invisible, psychically perceptible, and spiritually inevitable. We learn about the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, the initiates to the Sound Current and their spiritual protection, about potential experiences on the different spiritual levels on the path to God, and about the “Supreme Tried
Beings of Magnificence”.
Audio 2 – The H-U Chant and Breathing Exercises
This exercise guides you along your divine breath, through the chanting of a sound evoking God’s energy, to the direct connection of your heart to the heart of God. The process is simple and easy. The experience can be joyous, uplifting, and illuminating.
Audio 3 – Meditation for Soul Travel
Get into a comfortable position where your body is safe and warm, perhaps in a reclining position. This meditation is most effective when done just before going to sleep. The purpose of this exercise is to move your consciousness beyond the boundaries of the physical body and into the blissful realms of Spirit.
God Bless You!