This seminar starts out with a bang when John-Roger says, “Most people don’t receive the Spirit, because they won’t make themselves available to it.” The value builds from there!
J-R tells us we become what we focus on, so he suggests we focus on the positive (considering the alternative) and then he demonstrates how to do that. There is a wonderful discussion of proof vs. evidence and how we apply both truth and evidence in the world.
This is one of those seminars that covers a lot of ground, yet has a cohesive thread throughout. “We teach Soul transcendence,” J-R says, “so you go right on up into the source, get high enough, look at it and say, ‘I see what the whole field of existence is that I’m playing in. Now I see what has happened. Now I see.’ “The seminar is inspiring, very uplifting, and infused with the Spirit of the Christ Mass.
God Bless You!
Duration: 42 minutes