This is Soul Awareness Seminar by John-Roger
In this English/Portuguese seminar from Rio, John-Roger explains that at the beginning of an MSIA seminar, we usually chant a spiritual exercise, HU, which is an ancient name of God from the Pali language. We do this in order to pick up the vibration of God and bring everyone into harmony, like a piano chord. J-R goes on to observe that many people have given up on the inner quest for Spirit because they’ve found many blocks, like habits, repressive cultural rules, or conflicting desires.
“You have a support group of some kind,” J-R says. “First, the family. Second, your friends. Third, your brothers and sisters. But ultimately, the best support team… is yourself. You get the results of your choices. And yet we’re all experts at blaming. We’re good at it. As soon as we blame, though, we’ve given up our first support system, which is ourself.”
“So we teach a way to go inside,” J-R tells us, “by way of spiritual exercises.” SE’s bypass all the blocks and habits, and help us move directly to that place inside that nothing can shake no matter what is going on around us.
God bless you!
Duration: 51:06