This seminar was originally released as the June 2002 SAT. It has now been released into the “Personal-Use” category and is available to those not subscribed to the Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) Series.
In this Seminar, John-Roger speaks to us about out desire for controlling our environments (who, me?), controlling our spouse, our children, our teachers, our friends. But there is only one environment we truly control, which is our inner environment. This is where we can clean up ourselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually, financially, to make everywhere that we go a pleasure that we have been there”. He elaborates throughout this seminar about the positive change you can create in your life as a result of controlling your inner environment.
Later in the seminar, J-R shares with us about wisdom, where it is inside of us, and what it is known for: the ability to do. Until you utilize it, wisdom is just information. “Wisdom is actualization, realization”. So utilize your wisdom and get this treasure of a seminar for yourself.
God Bless You!
Run time: 33:49