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Your Inner World: The Last Frontier

Stock # 7260-CD


This is a seminar that offers a blueprint for your life’s purpose, and a vision of Who you really are. John-Roger begins this way,…

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This is a seminar that offers a blueprint for your life’s purpose, and a vision of Who you really are.
John-Roger begins this way, “Star Trek says, ‘Space, the last frontier.’ No. Inner space is the last
frontier, because no matter how far you go, you’re still on the edge of the frontier. And if you
don’t keep going towards the boundaries of your inner existence, you become bored and think
you’re not getting anywhere.”

Here’s one of the pieces of the blueprint to hold onto as you live your life. J-R asks, “What makes
things bad? Well, what’s bad for me is how I interpret it. As long as I have the wit to keep me
contained as a physical being, an emotional being, a mental being, and as a spiritual being,
I have no difficulties with anyone on this planet. As soon as I judge someone — what’s that
called? ‘Do it my way or get out.’ ” Throughout the seminar, J-R contrasts the limiting physical
world we live in with the limitless inner world which is where we can live if we want to. “That inner
world has worlds without end,” he says.

As he speaks, J-R grounds his message by showing us parts of our life, our habits of behavior
and relationships and ways of thinking. For instance, he takes on the notion that the Kingdom of
Heaven is some place floating on the clouds out there with little relationship to our current physical
lives. “If we put flesh and blood upon a historical event of 2,000 years ago,” he says, “we get to
know a couple of things as a logical reasoning process. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. And
people don’t know it. We’re in the Kingdom in terms of our Spirit. We’re in the kingdom.”

Length of CD: 48:14

This is a seminar that offers a blueprint for your life’s purpose, and a vision of Who you really are.
John-Roger begins this way, “Star Trek says, ‘Space, the last frontier.’ No. Inner space is the last
frontier, because no matter how far you go, you’re still on the edge of the frontier. And if you
don’t keep going towards the boundaries of your inner existence, you become bored and think
you’re not getting anywhere.”

Here’s one of the pieces of the blueprint to hold onto as you live your life. J-R asks, “What makes
things bad? Well, what’s bad for me is how I interpret it. As long as I have the wit to keep me
contained as a physical being, an emotional being, a mental being, and as a spiritual being,
I have no difficulties with anyone on this planet. As soon as I judge someone — what’s that
called? ‘Do it my way or get out.’ ” Throughout the seminar, J-R contrasts the limiting physical
world we live in with the limitless inner world which is where we can live if we want to. “That inner
world has worlds without end,” he says.

As he speaks, J-R grounds his message by showing us parts of our life, our habits of behavior
and relationships and ways of thinking. For instance, he takes on the notion that the Kingdom of
Heaven is some place floating on the clouds out there with little relationship to our current physical
lives. “If we put flesh and blood upon a historical event of 2,000 years ago,” he says, “we get to
know a couple of things as a logical reasoning process. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. And
people don’t know it. We’re in the Kingdom in terms of our Spirit. We’re in the kingdom.”

Length of CD: 48:14

Weight 0.77 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in


Private: Your Inner World: The last Frontier

Stock # 7260


Most of us are familiar with so many spiritual teachings, such…

Product Details

Most of us are familiar with so many spiritual teachings, such as, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things will be added unto you.” This incredibly powerful, loving, humorous seminar makes the teachings of the Christ a living experience. This seminar gets into your heart, as you truly get that Spirit loves you so much that there is nothing you can do that is judged. What matters is not what you tell others, but how. Learn what the two greatest keys are. Everything we do, every mistake, is for our edification and progression. Don’t shut down the God inside of you. Live the inner life and share your loving, so people will say, “Thank God you walked my way.”

Most of us are familiar with so many spiritual teachings, such as, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things will be added unto you.” This incredibly powerful, loving, humorous seminar makes the teachings of the Christ a living experience. This seminar gets into your heart, as you truly get that Spirit loves you so much that there is nothing you can do that is judged. What matters is not what you tell others, but how. Learn what the two greatest keys are. Everything we do, every mistake, is for our edification and progression. Don’t shut down the God inside of you. Live the inner life and share your loving, so people will say, “Thank God you walked my way.”

Weight 2.42 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in